Oh, So Organized

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This Year's "Word"

It's a reflective time of year. I like looking back and thinking ahead. My "word" for 2014 must have been travel. I was in St. Louis four times for ICD Board meetings, Boston twice, four organizing conferences in Phoenix, Nashville, Calgary, and Japan, the Jersey Shore twice, the upper Hudson Valley, and Las Vegas to work with a client.

Life didn't stop just because I traveled. There was still a business to run, clients to organize, family "stuff" and an association to manage. There were firsts, stretches outside my comfort zone, fun and joy-filled times.

And you know what? It's been exhilarating. It's also been exhausting! As I glide into the New Year and look back on the wonderful travels, experiences, and growth, I know that going forward I need some time to catch my breath. My calendar is already feeling full. Even so, my goal is to protect the white spaces remaining. They'll give me think time, relaxing time, and do nothing time in between the juggling act. I'm aiming for a new balance.

Wishing you an organized New Year filled with joy, love, good health, success and as much breathing room as you need!