Spring Energy Returns

The snowdrops are open. The crocuses have come and gone, and the daffodils are about to bloom. Iconic signs of spring make me feel hopeful as the temperature warms and the color returns to the landscape.

Recently, various projects and decisions I needed to work out were weighing on me. They were cluttering my thoughts and zapping my energy. Has that happened to you? The thinking about things part can feel heavy.

However, several days ago, I addressed the different issues. Plans were set, choices were made, and questions were answered. Just like that, I felt lighter, more focused, and clearer about my commitments for the next few seasons.

My energy and motivation returned as I picked dates for the April organizing workshops, updated materials, and made plans for family and vacation time.

Everything changed quickly after I addressed my mind clutter by taking action.

Do you need help decluttering your things, thoughts, or time? If so, how can I help?

Linda SamuelsComment
A Winter Pause

Sitting with my hot cup of tea on this cozy winter day, I’m grateful for this season. I’m also feeling behind with my year-end wrap-up and future planning. Maybe you’re in a similar situation.

The ICD writing project required an intense five weeks, including working over the holidays and into January. My available time to put a bow on the past year and imagine the new one was postponed. Now that the writing is done, I gifted myself a few days to breathe and exhale.

I’m excited to review journal entries, archive or delete older files, decide which workshops to offer this year (your ideas are welcome), consider new projects, do the “Three Things Reflection,” and select my word or theme for the year. I’m leaning toward something connected to ease.

What are you working on? How can I help? Sending you warmest wishes for a happy, healthy, and organized New Year!

Fall is a Visceral Season of Change

Fall is a visceral season of change. The magnificent color shifts and cooler weather cue me to assess and act. I’m knee-deep in exciting professional and personal projects. There is the clutter workshop on October 17th. Registration is now open. I invite you to join us and would love to see you there.

I’ve had a flurry of media requests. I contributed to many articles for USA Today, LivingEtc., and Homes & Gardens. Some are out, and others are coming soon. You can find these and other features at ohsoorganized.com/media.

Our home is undergoing changes. We’ve done tree work, and a new roof will be installed soon.

The guest room, which used to be our daughters’ bedroom, is being renovated. The positive effect of fresh paint, new blinds, bedding, and closet interior is incredible. It’s also an opportunity to review what stays or goes. Edit time!

While it was liberating to release some things, emptying the closet and touching the memorabilia was incredibly emotional. It took me by surprise. Moving stuff around stirs up the energy and memories in a space, and I felt that deeply.

How can I help and support you this season?

Summer's Restorative Effect

Summer combined with time off has a restorative effect. I just returned from vacationing in the Finger Lakes and feel rejuvenated. Suspending some of my habits and routines helped clarify what I wanted more or less of.

Our vacation included unscheduled days, almost no email and social media checking, no alarm clocks, and daily kayaking. We ate most of our meals outside, overlooking Song Lake, listening to water rippling, leaves rustling, and birds chirping.

The owner of the house we rented helped make our stay stress-free. The guest binder with essential numbers, house rules, and resources was our go-to guide. Light switches, drawers, and cabinets were clearly labeled. Everything we needed for comfort, like cozy linens, paper goods, toiletries, utensils, coffee, snacks, and condiments, was plentiful and easily accessible.

While I loved being away and exploring a new place, I was happy to return home. We spent part of our vacation organizing and doing home maintenance, which also felt great.

I’m excited about more summer adventures, working with clients, and prepping for this fall’s clutter workshop. What’s on your summer docket? How can I help?

Spring Possibilities Abound

Spring fills me with hope. Each day, I notice something new emerging when I go outside. A burst of bright yellow daffodils, sprigs of grass greening the landscape, or tiny buds reappearing on the bare trees. This beautiful visual feast lifts my spirits.

Possibilities abound. As the air warms and the landscape changes, I feel encouraged to let go of things and thoughts that no longer serve a purpose. I am ready to release what’s weighing me down and embrace what energizes me.

Recently, I spent time in our yard picking up sticks that had fallen during storms.  As I scanned and found each broken branch on the ground, I bent down to grab it.  After gathering each armful, I released them out into the back woods. This simple practice of identifying what didn’t belong, gathering, and releasing was incredibly satisfying. This clearing reinforced the value of noticing and letting go of those things in my life that no longer belong.

What are you ready to release? Let me know how I can help.

Winter Reflection

As I embrace the start of 2024, I am excited to reflect on what was, learn from what went well or what didn’t, and think about what I’d like to do more or less of in the future. The vast horizon is vibrating with abundant opportunities, surprises, and experiences.

I appreciate the practice of having a word and motto for the year. It helps me focus on what is most important and ground myself when challenges arise. I have also created vision boards for the last two years but decided not to do one for 2024. It worked well in 2022, but the vision board process felt stale and forced for 2023.

I’m doing my year-end review and selecting a word and motto. By the time you read this, I hope to complete that process. Right now, my ideas are still percolating. Look for an upcoming blog post to discover where I land.

I am deeply grateful to you and the connection we share. I wish you a happy, healthy, and joy-filled New Year!