Oh, So Organized

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Promise of a Clean Slate

Recently I spoke with a friend about the New Year as a time for setting goals, enjoying the promise of a clean slate, and new opportunities. She shared that for her it’s not January, but September (the start of the school year) that is her beginning.  Planning and goal-setting happen in August so that she’s ready for the fall. I remembered that for my mom it was also that way. She would plan her teaching schedule and other activities during the summer because September marked the start of the school year.  This was also the case when our daughters were growing up. September was definitely a distinctly new beginning.

My point is that whether it’s January, September or another month, we can take opportunites throughout the year to stop, reflect, and decide about our future. So, if like me, you aren’t quite ready with your 2016 goals and plans, do not fret. You can create your new beginning at any point- today, tomorrow or next month.