According to Real Simple magazine, January is "the most introverted month, when we sweep up the confetti and turn our focus inward." I can relate to that, can you? I'm still uncovering leftover decor from the holiday months. While most of it has been cleaned up, it makes me smile to find a few random sparkles. It reminds me of the warm, happy times spent with family and friends.
This inward focus is an integral part of my days. In winter I want to bundle up, sip hot tea, and stay inside more. Being indoors encourages more time to reflect, plan, sense, and think about what I'd like to include in the coming months and year. While I'm mindful of living in the present, this time of year, I stretch beyond to also reflect about the past and think about the future. What worked last year? What didn't? What do I want more or less of as I move forward into this New Year?
Quiet moments of journaling, thinking, conversing, and meditating all honor my inward gaze. What are you needing now?