Oh, So Organized

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Possibility Pages

What a special time of year. Having just returned from being away this weekend in St. Louis for an ICD (Institute for Challenging Disorganization) board meeting, I was amazed to see the shift in fall colors. In just a few short days, the landscape in New York had changed yet again. That’s the magic of this season. I also noticed how possibilities were visibly present in many ways. I discovered them on different types of pages.


Blank Pages

This past weekend, I began writing in a new journal, since I finished my last one several weeks ago. I’ve been consistently keeping journals for over 40 years. On the plane back from St. Louis, I made my first entry. I opened the book and saw many blank pages ahead. As I wrote, I recognized that these empty pages, while blank were filled with possibilities. The pages will eventually include successes, failures, joys and sadness, struggles, wins, seed ideas, and dreams realized, observations, experiences, feelings yet to be discovered, explored and imagined, history, love, family, friends, ah-has, quiet reflections, ponderings, complaints, cheers, lists, travels, and gratitude. Possibilities will one day ink the currently blank pages.


Full Pages

Shifting from blank pages to full ones, I just began reading Todd Henry’s new book, Die Empty. While the title is a bit morbid, the book is in fact filled with hope and possibilities. Henry says that living a meaningful life includes not just thinking about what’s possible, but taking action steps necessary to realize your dreams and make a significant contribution. It’s a possibility guide with concrete and creative ideas. He includes great thought-provoking questions including, “Did the work I did today really matter?”

Open Pages

Today began with an early morning walk along the Hudson River. While there were many things on my “to do” list, the day felt open and brimming with possibilities. As I walked, I breathed deeply, stopping to take in the waft of hot pink, citrus-scented flowers and slight saltiness of the sea air. I felt the bright, warm light and cool breeze accompany me as I moved. The river ebbed and flowed as I journeyed down the path stopping to photograph and just enjoy the view before me. Birds chirped, trains chugged, and water sloshed against the rocks. Before me was an open landscape of possibilities.

What will you discover on your possibility pages? Are they blank, full, open, or something else? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation.