How Choosing a Word of the Year Will Energize Your Fresh Start
Have you noticed lately the chatter around picking a Word of the Year? Maybe you’ve heard people sharing their words or have been asked about your word. Perhaps you’re stressing that you don’t yet have a word or wondering why you need one. You might have read articles and books, done Internet searches, or attended a word-selection workshop. And with all these, you’ve been searching and perhaps even feeling pressured to find your word. What is the significance of choosing that one word? How can it energize your fresh start and create a single intention for your year?
What’s the Value of One Word?
Recently, I went to a Nest by Revel workshop on The Power of One Word, led by the dynamic and inspiring Coach and Strengths Strategist™, Petra Krebbs. Even though I had already selected my word, I was happy to learn more. Petra highlighted some benefits of picking one word to flavor your year. They included simplifying your New Year’s resolutions, creating deeper focus, and having one overarching intention for the year.
She suggested selecting a word that aligns with your strengths. Do you know what your strengths are? If not, I highly recommend taking the Gallup CliftonStrengths® assessment.
Petra also shared compelling statistics, which makes a case for choosing one word instead of creating unrealistic goals and resolutions. She said:
7 in 10 U.S. adults set goals at the start of the New Year
9 out of 10 people fail with their resolutions
23% quit by the end of the first week
50% will fail by the end of January
80% will fail by mid-February
Most people quit on the 2nd Friday in January, known as National Quitters Day
Petra said, “One Word simplifies New Year’s Resolutions. It sticks. No list of resolutions, no list of goals. Just One Word that helps to create a great year.”
“No list of resolutions, no list of goals. Just One Word that helps to create a great year.”
Word of the Year
Do you remember me mentioning the stress people feel over finding their word? That was me. I become so attached to the word I had for the previous year that I don’t want to let it go. Does that sound familiar? Letting go can be challenging, not just with our physical possessions but also with ideas or things that no longer serve us.
I’ve discovered how important it is to reassess each year and choose a new theme. Repeating the same word isn’t effective for me. I need the hope a new word brings to create something different and energizing each year.
Knowing I needed to transition from my 2023 word, nourish, to my 2024 word, I went into collecting mode. Whenever a potential word ‘candidate’ popped into my head, I wrote it on a sticky note and put it in my 2024 Visioning file. The words came from things I read, heard, felt, or experienced. When I was ready to commit, I pulled out my folder and reviewed the list. While all of them had merits, none of them felt exactly right.
Next, I spoke with my husband, Steve, about my word dilemma. He thought of a word for me before I told him my possible choices. As soon as he said it, the hair on my arms stood up, my body tingled, and I knew that was it. Somehow, the one word he picked incorporated all the words I was considering. I was grateful for his insight and help.
And now for the big reveal! My word for 2024 is . . . embrace.
This year, I want to lean into all things, experiences, relationships, and discoveries with passion, love, and presence. Embrace will be my guiding force.
Motto of the Year
In addition to selecting one word for the year, I like to pair it with a motto. I use the phrase to help me when I’m stuck, offer perspective, and guide my choices and actions. Pairing a word with a theme for each year works beautifully.
My motto in 2023 was inspired by Zoe Chance. It was, “What would it take?” When I went down a ‘can’t do’ rabbit hole or noticed my typical solution-oriented focus inaccessible, I’d ask, “What would it take?” That simple phrase cut through all the internal noise and helped me to refocus and shift my mindset to a proactive, positive place.
For 2024, I chose a new motto. This year, it is, “You got this.” I’m tired of wasting time doubting myself and my abilities. Will there be moments when I don’t ‘have it?’ Of course. But history tells me I have a pretty good track record. I want to suspend any unnecessary doubt and embody confidence. However things go, I know I can navigate the obstacles and successes. “You got this” is my daily reminder to stress less and move forward with more ease.
Let the power of one word and motto inspire your year to unfold brilliantly with the strength of water flowing down a river.
I’d love to hear from you. Do you have a word for 2024? If so, what is it? Do you pick a motto or theme, too? I’d love to know your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.
Let me know if you need support finding your 2024 focus and getting the most from your fresh start. I’d love to help you make this a great year! You can call me at 914-271-5673, email, or click here to contact me.