So here we are, half way through the first month of the New Year. The time has zoomed by since January first! How are you doing with your goals and resolutions for 2010? Maybe you haven’t taken the time yet to set goals for this year. Or, perhaps you set your goals, but have been distracted by living life as you know it instead of focusing on the changes you want to make.
I am definitely in the latter group. I’ve set my goals, but have been doing more thinking and processing than acting. I’ve realized that some goals I will be able to accomplish on my own, while others, I will need to enlist help to complete.
When I published my book this past year, I did a lot of the beginning work myself. My manuscript was mostly written; I’d researched various book publishing options and resources. But at a point, I knew that the project would not move ahead any further without building a team of people that had expertise beyond what I knew. Once I gathered the team, the project moved along quickly. Enlisting the right help was an essential ingredient in achieving my goal.
Change is difficult for most of us. We have a vision of where we are headed and then have to figure out how we’re going to get there. This can involve many things like altering habits, learning new things, getting help in areas we are less proficient and maintaining the energy and focus needed to propel ourselves forward. This process takes time and patience.
So as month one of the New Year is about to end, use these next few weeks to plan, refocus and figure out what you need to accomplish your 2010 goals. Do not feel disappointed if the first few weeks weren’t all action, action, action. Sometimes we just need time to let the ideas marinate before we are ready to do. If you need more time to think, take the time to do so. If you know you need help to accomplish your goals, start reaching out.