Spring Encourages Seeds of Change
While I love the change of seasons, spring is my most favorite time. Warmth and growth fill each day as clothing layers are peeled away and delightful colors return to the landscape. Each day I discover a new bud or flower, another patch of green grass, or a ray of sunshine. It’s magic time.
It’s also a time to embrace the seeds that I planted. Those seeds were investments in the future. There were the “yes” seeds that yielded a surprising bouquet of opportunities and adventures. There were “self-care” seeds that have strengthened my internal world. There were “learning” seeds that yielded greater understanding and experimentation. There were “organizing” seeds that allowed me to help people get unstuck. The seeds were given the space to lay dormant until their time came to bloom. It’s energizing to see what is unfolding.
Enjoy this amazing season! What are you noticing from the seeds you nurtured?