Get Organized Month Giveaway
Lighten Up by Peter Walsh
January is Get Organized Month. According to Standolyn Robertson, NAPO Past-President, “Getting organized is one of the top 5 New Year’s resolutions people make…” What better way to wrap up this month than with a giveaway that’s designed to help you with your organizing goals?
For my Get Organized Month Giveaway, one lucky winner will receive a copy of the newly released book Lighten Up by the charming organizational expert, Peter Walsh. He’s a New York Times bestselling author and host of the new Oprah Winfrey Network Television series “Enough Already! with Peter Walsh.” The subtitle of Peter’s book says it all: Love What You Have, Have What You Need, Be Happier with Less.
Sometimes the pressure of getting organized or working on your goals is so great that it prevents us from taking any steps forward. For me, it’s valuable to use the change of seasons to create reflection and evaluation pauses. The goals I’m working on now will bring me through the winter. Once spring arrives, I will look back and then ahead to adjust what I’m doing. In my book, The Other Side of Organized, the seasons help my readers focus on particular ideas at specific times. Winter is about fresh starts, embracing change and taking next steps.
Please make your next step entering the Get Organized Month Giveaway. The giveaway starts on January 24th. The winner will be picked on January 31st. Follow the contest rules to win a copy of Peter Walsh’s book, Lighten Up:
1. Comment on this blog post below with something you love or would be happier without.
2. Comment about the giveaway on the Oh, So Organized! Facebook page
3. Re-tweet the giveaway on Twitter and include @LindaSamuels when you do!
4. Subscribe to the Other Side of Organized monthly e-newsletter for inspiration and motivation!
Do one or all of the above to enter. The more you do, the more times your name will be entered to win (up to 4 total entries!)
I look forward to hearing from you and sharing Peter’s book with the winner. Good luck!