4 Working Through Imperfect Tips

How do you get motivated to move forward when the idea of “perfect” colors your goals and actions? If you or someone close to you struggles with perfectionism, then you’ll understand how challenging this can be. There’s hope. Will you consider a slight shift in perspective? If so, this could make all the difference.
You might be familiar with the quote, "To err is human; to forgive, divine." I've combined that quote with other interesting versions of it to look at perfectionism and motivation in new ways. How do you work through being imperfect?
4 Working Through Imperfect Tips
1. Think Letting Go
“To err is human; to forgive, divine.”
– Alexander Pope
Failure is integral to life’s journey. Embrace the imperfections that are part of being human. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Let go of being perfect.
2. Think Learning
“To err is human, but it feels divine.”
– Mae West
Expect that you’ll make mistakes. Make this a positive by using your imperfections as growing experiences.
3. Think Liberating
“To err is human; to admit it, superhuman.”
– Doug Larson
While it might be challenging to admit that you’re not perfect and that you make mistakes, do it anyway. It might be freeing. Fess up. Release the perfectionism pressure.
4. Think Comically
“To err is human, but to really foul up requires a computer.”
– Dan Rather
It helps to remember that we’re not alone in our challenges. Having a sense of humor, being flexible, and solution rather than blame-oriented can help increase our motivation and push us beyond our perfectionistic tendencies.
How are you working through imperfect? What motivates you to move forward? Come join the conversation and share your thoughts.