How to Be Successful With Your Projects and Purpose
One thing that has become increasingly clear to me over these past years is that success is impossible in a vacuum. There are people, insights, and learning that are part of our journey and help us experience success with our projects, paths, and purpose. So whether you’re facing a daunting organizing project, pursuing a new career path, or searching for your life’s purpose, you will need the help, guidance, and emotional support from others to get there, wherever “there” is.
As a professional organizer, I’m often enlisted to be on someone else’s team. I love that. I get to be cheerleader, planner, strategist, organizer, list maker, worker, coach, resource-ist, support-giver and more. Clients will often remark that they “couldn't have accomplished this without me.” And while I’m grateful for their kind and encouraging words, I remind them that it was a team effort. Success happened because they stayed the course and were open and willing to enlist help. I am continually grateful for being part my clients’ success team.
“Success is impossible in a vacuum.”
I’ve recently embarked on a huge family project to help my Mom sort through her home of 55+ years. At this juncture, because it’s hard for her to do, it’s pretty much me that’s leading the project. I understood that a successful outcome would only be possible by creating a new team, which I’ve dubbed, “Team 152.” And it’s so interesting to be on this side of the project where the decisions and attachments are often emotional ones. I have a new appreciation for what my clients grapple with.
The team I’m assembling grows daily, but so far the members include family and friends that have offered to help and companies that haul, organize, repair, resell, clean, recycle, and accept a variety of donations. As the project progresses, even more people and resources will be added to Team 152.
Two things are crystal clear:
This project will take time, patience, and a consistent effort.
While the project feels daunting right now, the help from the team is getting me through.
Who makes up your success team? If you don’t yet have a team, whom could you enlist? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation!