One Fascinating Secret That Will Get You Activated
One commonality we share as humans is that we all have habits- good and not-so-good ones. I’ll be the first to raise my hand for some questionable ones, as I just gobbled down a “snack,” which involved candy. However, sugar cravings aside, I also have many life-enhancing habits like brushing my teeth, staying organized (yes, I consider that a habit), and practicing mindfulness meditation.
Mostly I prefer guided meditation. The Insight Timer app is excellent and offers a wide range of options and teachers. One of my favorite guides is Tomek Wyczesany. In one of my recent practices, he said, “You are the active ingredient in your day.”
That concept stayed with me. How often do we think about life happening to us? For instance, you wake up, and it’s a gray, cold day. Those aren’t my favorite types of days, and they can negatively affect my mood. Yet, choosing the “I am the active ingredient” mindset, I can alter the entire feeling for the day. I don’t have to allow the weather to determine my state of being.
“You are the active ingredient in your day.”
Much of the work I do with clients is about change. It’s not just changing, but shifts in energy and outlook. My clients get stuck. They feel overwhelmed by a room that turned into the dumping ground for stuff without a home. They feel overwhelmed by stacks and boxes of papers that have been overlooked for months or years. They feel overwhelmed by closets that are so full they have difficulty getting dressed.
When we work together, I help them to recognize that the secret ingredient for moving forward is staring at them in the mirror. Together we make choices about their physical belongings and space. This gets them unstuck. They recognize the power of activation as we work together to edit, clear, let go, and organize the keepers.
What an amazing concept to own- that you (yes you) are the “active ingredient in your day!” How can that idea help you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation!