Feeling Grateful and Reflective On My 10-Year Bloggiversary
My heart is filled with gratitude as I reflect on several significant milestones that happen this month. I will be entering my sixth decade of this beautiful thing we call life. Yes. I’m turning 60 next week! November also marks my 10th blogging anniversary or bloggiversary.
Ten years ago, I had just turned 50 and published my first book, The Other Side of Organized – Finding Balance Between Chaos and Perfection. My book coach suggested that I start blogging as a way of engaging a broader audience. I had no idea how much I would love writing regularly, or how many thousands of amazing readers, inspirational conversations, opportunities, and supporters would appear and enrich my life. With close to 500 posts written so far, I feel like I’m just getting started.
Blogging and having conversations with you has been one of my greatest joys over these last ten years. You have played an essential role in creating this beautiful community. Thank you for your generous contributions to commenting, questioning, sharing, promoting, and reading the various posts on organizing, mindfulness, clutter, letting go, change, and so much more. It takes a village. I am deeply grateful to you.
There are so many people to thank and acknowledge. Many of you have been longtime, staunch supporters, sharers, inspirers, and contributors to this community and my blogging world. My deepest gratitude to Janet Barclay, Seana Turner, Diane Quintana, Ellen Delap, Felice Cohen, Sabrina Quairoli, Andrea Sharb, Sue West, Nacho Eguiarte, Hazel Thorton, Sara Skillen, Stacey Agin Murray, Deb Lee, Janet Schiesl, Nancy Haworth, Andi Willis, Julie Bestry, Yota Schneider, Cam Gott, Val Sgro, Anne Blumer, Sheila Delson, Geralin Thomas, Janine Adams, John Hunt, Leiann Thompson, and Steve, Allison, and Cassie Samuels. I wish I could list everyone, but we’d be here all night.
Being in a reflective mood, I thought it would be fun to look back on some of the favorite and most popular posts. There is always a value in thinking about the past. It’s a way of honoring what was and preparing for what will come. It’s in this spirit that I share these discoveries with you.
1. First Blog Post
Waiting for Something – November 12, 2009
We are all waiting for something. What if instead of thinking about our wait time as an inconvenience or annoyance, we considered it a gift?
2. Most Popular, Consistently Visited Post
10 Motivation Challenges & Fixes – July 3, 2012
What gets in the way of motivation? Sharing ten common obstacles and strategies to help you get unstuck.
3. Most Comments for Non-Feature Post
5 Tips for More “Happy” in Holiday – December 8, 2011
The holiday season can make even the most positive among us feel stressed and frazzled. Sharing five tips to infuse more “happy” into your holidays.
4. Most Popular “Ask the Expert” Post
Ask the Expert: Julie Morgenstern – June 26, 2012
In this popular “Ask the Expert” series, which began in 2012, I interview leading experts in organizing, productivity, and other related industries. To date, I’ve spoken with 34 experts. I’ve loved talking with and learning from each person. Some of my favorite conversations were with minimalist guru, Joshua Becker, time management pioneer, David Allen, organizational expert, Peter Walsh, chronic disorganization pioneer, Judith Kolberg, creativity expert, Todd Henry, happiness and organizing author, Gretchen Rubin, and of course, Julie Morgenstern productivity and organizing expert.
5. Most Popular Collaborative Post
Stuck? 7 “Now What” Tips – March 5, 2013
For the collaborative post series, I pose one specific question to selected colleagues on a particular topic. From the most popular post in this series, I asked seven colleagues to respond to this question: When you are stuck, how do you figure out the next step?
6. Most Popular “What’s Interesting?” Post
What Are Today’s Interesting Finds? – v22 – February 18, 2019
In this feature, I share unique and inspiring discoveries, which inform, educate, and relate to organizing and life balance. Since 2014, when I first introduced “What’s Interesting?” I’ve written 25 of these features.
7. My Favorite Post With Nature Video
What Wonderful Change is Emerging Beneath Your Surface? – February 11, 2019
In addition to writing, I love taking photos and videos, especially of people and nature. These images are often shared my blog. Sometimes I create videos to enhance what I’m writing about. In this post on change, I include a video of the mesmerizing movement of frozen sheets of ice cracking and shifting on the surface of the Hudson River.
8. My Favorite Post from the Last Few Years
How to Say Goodbye and Let Go With Love – April 22, 2018
Letting go can be painful. When it’s time to let go, we often feel a loss. As I prepared to say my final goodbyes to our family home of 57 years, I identified ten gentle ways that helped me let go. I hope they will help you too when it’s your time.
9. My Favorite Post That Includes Smead’s Keeping You Organized Video
How to Prepare Yourself for Better Possibilities – October 21, 2019
One of the many exciting outcomes from blogging is being invited as a guest blogger or vlogger. Smead has been exceptionally generous (thank you, John Hunt and Leiann Thompson) about featuring my blog posts on their weekly Facebook Live shows and also interviewing me many times for the Keeping You Organized series. I often incorporate the videos into my blog posts. This recent interview on preparing for organizing success is also one of my favorites.
10. My Favorite Old Post
Gratitude 101: What's On Your List? – November 17, 2011
There is so much to be thankful for. Incorporating gratitude regularly into your day can boost your mood and improve your perspective about life. What are you grateful for?
So here we are. Ten years and many blog posts later. It’s been an incredible journey so far. I am grateful that you’ve been on the path with me and look forward to continuing our travel together in the years to come. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Do you have a favorite post from one I shared here? Or, maybe you have another favorite that I didn’t list? Your participation makes this a vibrant community. Once again, I invite you to join the conversation!