Posts tagged future planning
A Winter Pause

Sitting with my hot cup of tea on this cozy winter day, I’m grateful for this season. I’m also feeling behind with my year-end wrap-up and future planning. Maybe you’re in a similar situation.

The ICD writing project required an intense five weeks, including working over the holidays and into January. My available time to put a bow on the past year and imagine the new one was postponed. Now that the writing is done, I gifted myself a few days to breathe and exhale.

I’m excited to review journal entries, archive or delete older files, decide which workshops to offer this year (your ideas are welcome), consider new projects, do the “Three Things Reflection,” and select my word or theme for the year. I’m leaning toward something connected to ease.

What are you working on? How can I help? Sending you warmest wishes for a happy, healthy, and organized New Year!