The 7-Step Travel Journey
Reflecting on my recent trip to Toronto with my mom, I found a connection between traveling and the next step ideas I'm writing about this month.
Perhaps as you take on next, some of the steps I've identified will be helpful as you continue on your journey. We begin first with an idea and travel on from there.
“Prepare not only your suitcase but also your attitude.”
The 7-Step Travel Journey
1. Entertain New Idea
Before I planned to go away, there was no plan. A question was raised if I could travel with my Mom to Toronto to hear the premiere of my brother's new symphony?
Next step: Is this journey possible? Set aside time to mull over the idea.
2. Consider Logistics
Moving to next involved looking at calendars, discussing possible travel schedule, reviewing the basics for flights, hotel, and ground transfers.
Next step: Fact gather to move ahead.
3. Create List
After schedules were coordinated and travel details were booked, "to dos" came next. This included writing a pack list, getting foreign money, and adding international capabilities to my smart phone.
Next step: Create "to do" list to provide focus.
4. Prepare Attitude
No matter how organized or ready we are, the unexpected will occur. The morning of our trip, a major snowstorm hit our area. Roads were messy, our flight was delayed, and things didn't go according to the plan. Between Porter Airline's free latte machine, the short video clips I was sharing back and forth between my Mom and our younger daughter, and the great people watching at the airport, I enjoyed the travel day, delays and all.
Next step: Prepare not only your suitcase but also your attitude. Next is so much easier when you activate positivity, gratitude, and fun.
5. Get Comfortable
Change in routines and environments can be energizing or stressful. Know what you need to take care of you. After a car ride, flight, ferry boat, and taxi, Mom and I arrived at the hotel feeling a bit worn out. We unpacked, settled in, ate some dinner, saw my brother, put on our pjs, I took a bubble bath, and got a good night's sleep.
Next step: Getting back to the basics prepares and renews us for next.
6. Activate Senses
Traveling is an opportunity to experience the new through our senses. I explored the sights, sounds, scents, and feel of being in a different place. I enjoyed walking, taking photos, hearing wonderful music, being with family, and meeting the friendly people of Toronto.
Next step: Allow your senses to guide you forward.
7. Complete Cycle
We pack. We unpack. Preparing for next included finishing the process. Upon returning back home, I unpacked, put away the “stuff,” responded to emails, reviewed the schedule and to dos for the week, enjoyed dinner with my husband, and got a good night's sleep.
Next step: Clear the decks. Complete what you start to prepare for next.
Many exciting adventures are ahead. I'm ready to move forward, one packed bag at a time. Come join the conversation. What are your next step thoughts?