What Are Today's Interesting Finds? - v8

The newest installment (v8) of the “What’s Interesting?” feature is here with my latest discoveries that inform, educate, and relate to organizing and life balance. I’ve included unique and inspiring people-related finds, which reflect this month’s blog theme, wonderfully human. You are such an engaging group. I look forward to your participation and additions to the collection I’ve sourced for you. What do you find interesting?
What’s Interesting? . . .
1. Interesting Read – Speaking
Louder Than Words by Todd Henry
Never one to disappoint, Todd Henry in his newest book, Louder Than Words, describes a process to harness the power of your authentic voice through identity, vision and mastery. Henry writes, “You have to let go of your fear of what you think you must be so that you can embrace the possibility of what you might be.” Whether you’re designing, leading, or pursuing your life’s purpose, you’ll discover compelling, deep questions and strategies to help you on your journey. With understanding of self comes clearer direction, sense of purpose, and clarity of action. He says, “…your voice is both your single greatest possession and the most critical asset you share with the world.”
2. Interesting Challenge – Listening
WYNC’s Only Human broadcast is sponsoring a fascinating, week long project (November 16-20) to help us become better listeners. You can participate by taking the Mimi test to find out how well you hear, engage in a daily challenge to improve your listening skills, or access podcasts and written transcripts. One of the premises of their Listen Up project is that because we spend so much time interacting digitally, we don’t have to use our listening skills as frequently. Beatrice de Gelder, a professor of neuroscience and psychology explains that when our conversations are by text or email, we miss a lot of critical information such as facial expressions, tone, and gestures that help us understand someone’s message. Are you ready to boost your listening skills?
3. Interesting Product – Visualizing

There are many ways to generate and capture and develop ideas. I’ve used post it notes, lists, journals, drawings, voice messages, and conversations. The Brilliant Ideas Launch Pad designed by Kari Chapin takes brainstorming to another level. It’s designed to capture your seed idea and turn it into something greater. The pad includes numerous templates to encourage exploring and generating new ideas, moving ideas from your brain to paper and figuring out next steps. The templates have many options including working backwards, using a funnel technique, or using a brain download method. When it comes to brainstorming, “There are no rules except this one: There are no bad ideas in brainstorming. Every thought can lead to a brilliant idea if you take your time and keep challenging yourself.”
4. Interesting Tech – Feeling
Keepy is one of the most interesting new apps I’ve come across for parents. It easily lets you organize kids artwork, schoolwork, photos, and mementos, while enhancing them with voice and video narration. Once you save your still and moving images, sharing those beautiful memories with family and friends is simple. Capturing memories digitally also gives parents the option to let go of the physical papers and mementos. Enjoy more memories, less clutter.
5. Interesting Thought – Doing

One of the gifts of being human is not being perfect. Making mistakes helps us learn. They become the seeds for growth.
I’d love to hear your thoughts. What are your interesting finds? Do any of these resonate with you? Come join the conversation!