What Are Today's Interesting Finds? - v15
The newest installment (v15) of the “What’s Interesting?” feature is here with my latest discoveries that inform, educate, and relate to organizing and life balance. I’ve included unique and inspiring clutter-related finds, which reflect this month’s blog theme.
You are a wonderfully engaged group. I look forward to your participation and additions to the collection I’ve sourced for you. What do you find interesting?
What’s Interesting? . . .
1. Interesting Read – Mind Decluttering
As many of you may know, I’ve been delving more deeply into the mindfulness arena and thinking about the relationship between mindfulness and organizing. One of the books I recently read was Mindfulness for Beginners – Reclaiming the Present Moment – And Your Life by Jon Kabat-Zinn, author and developer of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR.) While mindfulness meditation isn’t about clearing our mind of all thought, it does help to declutter the thoughts we are having along with improve our focus and appreciation of the present moment. Jon Kabat-Zin defines mindfulness as “awareness, cultivated by paying attention in a sustained and particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” There is both formal and informal mindfulness practice. He describes how to engage in these complementary practices. He says, “Mindfulness reminds us that it is possible to shift from a doing mode to a being mode through the application of attention and awareness.”
2. Interesting Product – Essentials Decluttering
Do you frequently misplace your keys or wallet? Part of the clutter management process is establishing a “home” for everything. This is especially important when it comes to creating a place for our essentials like our cell phones, keys, or glasses. This cleanly designed Grab N’ Go has designated compartments to house essentials in addition to cut-outs for charger cords, and a space to hold pens and a notepad.
3. Interesting Resource – Things Decluttering
Bravo that you’ve decluttered your clothing and household items! However, now the items you’re ready to let go of are creating more clutter and piles. The Give Back Box is an easy, painless, and free way to ship your donations by UPS or the US Post office to a an array of charity partners that sell the items to generate revenue to fund community-based programs like job training and placement services and support financial education and transportation. Declutter while doing good for others!
4. Interesting Tech – Cord Decluttering
The loose cords we use for our digital devices can create clutter in even organized spaces. With these easy to use and fun-looking leather “cord tacos” from This Is Ground, you’ll easily be able to store and transport your cords.
5. Interesting Thought – Life Decluttering
Clutter and the chaos that it can bring is part of life. Clutter also presents us with an opportunity to discover, learn, decide, reimagine, and transform it into something simpler and less overwhelming.
What are your interesting finds? Which of these resonate with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation!