We’re in the home stretch of the year with just a few days remaining until the New Year and decade. What has life been like for you these past few weeks? Have things been quieter, or have you experienced a flurry of activity? Has your balance felt off or just right? I’ve missed being here with you for the last several weeks. Between the holidays, parties, hosting, visiting, organizing, and launching my new website, I took a short blogging hiatus.
The last few weeks have felt different from other times of the year. It’s useful to do a simple “balance check-in. So if your scale has tipped too much in one direction, take a pause to reflect and adjust. I have five questions to get you started.
Simple “Balance” Check-In
1. Are you feeling exhausted?
If your sleep patterns have been off, evaluate the amount of sleep you need to feel better. Maybe you can turn in early tonight or sleep a bit longer in the morning. What do you need now?
2. Are you feeling stuffed?
If too many holiday cakes, pies, cocktails, and snacks are making you feel full and sluggish, pay attention to what you’re taking in. My eating patterns have shifted because of the holidays. My body is shouting- “Reduce the sugar and up the vegetable intake!” What is your body telling you?
3. Are you feeling talked out?
If you’ve been socializing more than usual, notice whether this is causing you stress. Maybe you need to balance the “outer” time with some alone time. While I love spending time with family and friends, I’m also aware that I need time to be. What are you sensing now?
4. Are you feeling disorganized?
If you’ve been traveling, entertaining, or disengaging from your regular routines, you might be feeling more disorganized than usual. It’s easy to get out of sorts when our regular patterns are altered. Edit the excess, revisit routines, and restore some order.
5. Are you feeling restless?
If you are winding up the current projects and also anticipating changes and goals for the coming year, you might be feeling anxious. Transitions can be challenging, especially when we shift from one year to the next. Reflect on past successes, let go of the ideas that no longer serve you, and set an intention for the New Year. Get ready for your clean slate.
Endings come, and new beginnings arrive. As you straddle the two, what is most helpful to restore balance? Do you have other questions to add to the mix? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation!