How to Know If Your Courageous Next Step is to Absolutely Regroup Now
All cylinders fire at capacity when you experience an intense period of busyness, deadlines, or emergencies. You can sustain your energy and focus for a while, but something needs to shift. Otherwise, you’ll burn out. There are various ways to decide what comes next after a rigorous stretch.
I am at this juncture now. While not quite over, it’s been a full first quarter. A partial list of what I’ve been working on includes:
Presenting four workshops – Three virtual and one in-person
Having virtual organizing sessions – Ongoing, returning, and new clients
Blogging – Writing a new post each week
Leading meetings – For two professional organizer groups, one international and one local
Volunteering – For personal and professional groups
This week, I gave the last of the four workshops I scheduled for this quarter. Denise Wenacur, the talented interior designer and founder of DW Design & Décor, invited me to talk about clutter at her monthly Speaker Series. It was a wonderful evening with great people, drinks, and delicious food. Denise is such a warm host who fosters a sense of community through her monthly events.
Denise shared the evening, and my workshop live. Click here to watch How to Conquer Clutter.
So here I am. Winter has morphed into spring as the crocuses and daffodils emerge from the earth. Most of my first-quarter projects are complete. It’s time for my next step plan, which I’ll share with you.
“Regrouping allows me to pause briefly, evaluate, and decide what to embrace next.”
My simple three-step plan for next:
1. Breathe in deeply.
2. Exhale slowly.
3. Regroup.
Steps one and two help me prepare for step three. Regrouping allows me to pause briefly, evaluate how the last quarter went, and decide what to embrace next. I already have some things in the works. During my regrouping process, I’ll assess the timing and energy needed for other projects.
For example, one of my goals for 2024 is to host three Oh, So Organized!-sponsored workshops. I presented My Simple Organizing Plan in February and would like to do a new workshop in late spring, but we’ll see. Figuring out the details will be part of my regrouping process.
I’m breathing, pausing, and thinking before committing to my plan. How was your first quarter? Are you thinking about what comes next? I’d love to hear your thoughts and invite you to join the conversation.
If you need help regrouping and figuring out your next step, I’m here to help. Please email me at, call 914-271-5673, or schedule a Discovery Call. Your next step is doable, especially with support.