To Dos

When feeling overwhelmed by life, your "to do" lists and getting everything done, consider using the wonderfully human approach to organizing.
Let It Be - Adopt the "good enough" philosophy of organizing versus striving for elusive perfection. Life's not perfect; we're not perfect. Organizing doesn't have to be perfect.
Minute Mastery - Most of us don't have gobs of free time. Learn to use small time blocks. Use one minute to return a few emails. Take five minutes to put away your groceries. Find ten minutes for clearing a corner of your desk. Let go of the all or nothing approach and choose to be effective with the time you have.
Humor Enhancers - Keep the organizing mood fun. Use whatever means possible like playing upbeat music, taking laughter breaks, or finishing an organizing session by watching a comedy. Laughter helps us reduce stress, increase joy and remind us of our humanity.