3 Essentials for New Year
@2012 Photo by Linda SamuelsWhile New Year's Eve has come and gone, the wonderful energy from that night remains. I loved celebrating the end of one year and the beginning of another with our family and friends. The evening included eating, dancing, laughing, singing, reflecting and playing games. While the celebration has ended, the New Year essentials remain- fresh starts, bit of sparkle, and hope for what is possible.
1. Fresh Start - The New Year brings the gift of a clean slate. Imagine a blank canvas beautifully white like a fresh blanket of snow. You get a do-over, a chance to paint a new picture. The possibilities are bountiful as you consider the people, places and growth opportunities that will cover your canvas. Breathe deeply and joyfully embrace this new beginning.
2. Sparkle - Consider the "sparkle" factor. While I actually love glittery, reflective objects, what I'm really thinking about here is the sparkle within. What makes you glow? What gives you energy? How can you incorporate more inner sparkle this year? You deserve to shine.
3. Hope - We all need hope. Perhaps this past year wasn't as successful or happy or as organized as we wanted. We have the possibility to leave the negative behind and look toward the future. What are you hoping for? What do you want your days to look and feel like? What's possible for you in the coming months? Allow hope to reign.
As I say my goodbyes and reflect about the past year, I am grateful for what was. I am hopeful about what comes next. I wish each of you a spectacular year of joy, hope, love, and success. What are you imagining?