How to Create Simple Habits and Daring Possibilities

Often I write my posts on my desktop computer. I've created a quiet, comfortable "Linda space," complete with favorite colors, shapes, textures and images. Today, however, I'm taking advantage of this gorgeous fall day to write outside. Accompanied by my iPad and ceramic periwinkle-glazed cup of Earl Grey tea, the ever so slight breeze and rustling sound of the leaves set the stage for my weekly writing ritual.
Before me is a 40-acre woods, topped by a cloudless, blue sky. Ideas and possibilities abound. I'm grateful and happy being in this place.
I've been walking more lately. This is a good thing. My body and mind reap the benefits. The walks are about connection - connecting with self, nature, and my loved ones. They provide a pause in my day to reflect, move, and just be. Each walk has a beginning and ending point with no agenda in between.
Especially during this time of year, I look forward to seeing the autumn colors when I walk. This fall like the ones before brings a bold, awe-inspired, changing landscape. Bright patches of red, orange and yellow interrupt summer's greens. I never tire of the display.
It makes me think about the tension we have between establishing simple habits and pursuing daring possibilities. We have the need for both. There are times when we focus on creating basic routines. Getting back to basics helps us regroup and create a sense of calm and order. This is especially needed when the chaos and stress of life causes overwhelm. There are other times when we feel stuck by those patterns we worked so hard to establish. We might even begin feeling antsy or bored with our routines. At those times we start imagining possibilities. Thoughts about starting with “what if?” fill our minds.
“Tension exists between establishing simple habits and pursuing daring possibilities.”
While I recognize the pros for creating habits and patterns, to me this season is about transformation, thinking bigger, and being inspired by nature's display.
I glance to my left and notice a fiery-red colored tree. The sun illuminates the leaves, making the reds look even brighter. The tree took three seasons to change. The time for this magnificent reveal is here.
What possibilities are percolating? What changes might be possible? Is this your season? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation.