How to Savor the Precious Time We Have

Time whooshes by, as evident by the anniversary my husband and I just celebrated. Thirty-three years ago on June 19th I said, “I do” to this wonderful man. Since then we’ve traveled, raised a family, hosted many parties, and experienced the heartaches and joys that life brings. Something we learned from both parents, who were married over 60 years, was to honor, savor, and create treasured moments together. They understood that having shared, happy memories make your relationship stronger and make it easier to navigate life’s challenges.
So in the tradition of our parents and their sage wisdom, each anniversary, Steve and I celebrate and carve out time just for the two of us to play and enjoy. My mom refers to this as “the good stuff.”
This past weekend, we did just that. We made . . .

Time for Love
From hand holding to conversing to writing each other love notes, we shared our love with one another. Love is an active expression of words and actions, which doesn’t happen unless you devote time to your relationships.

Time for Communing With Nature
Being in nature rejuvenates us. We took time to wander through gardens, walk along the river, smell flowers and trees, listen to birds chirping, and sheep baaah-ing. We felt the strong sun and enjoyed finding shady spots with gentle breezes. We made time to enjoy nature.

Time for Exploring New Places
While we’ve lived in the Hudson Valley for over 30 years, there are places we’ve never been. This past weekend, aside from visiting some favorite spots like the High Line and Red Hat, we also explored new places we’ve always wanted to see like Wave Hill and Rockwood Park, both with magnificent Hudson River views.

Time for Just Being
I intentionally left my watch at home. This helped me detach from time. Normally I’m hyperaware of time. There are appointments to keep and deadlines to meet. It was such a gift to suspend time, even for a few days. Breaks are essential to our well-being, our relationships, and our lives.
We each have the same hours in the day. We have obligations and commitments. There are ways to savor and honor the beautiful moments. How do you like to savor your time? Do any of these resonate with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation!