Fall Has Amazing Way of Accentuating Special Possibilities

Over the past few days, I had several outdoor opportunities to appreciate the changing fall landscape. One of my favorite things to do is to walk and take photos while breathing in the fresh air, wooded and water scenes, and scents that surround me. What I enjoyed most on these walks were the lovely surprises. Each one lifted my spirits and made my heart beat faster. The sightings included the bright purple (yes, purple!) berries and the bush with the half red and half green leaf. Each finding inspired a sense of awe, change, and possibilities.
These ideas relate to my organizing work with clients. There are always discoveries as in lost things that get found. There are possibilities inherent in transforming a cluttered space into one that functions as intended; free from unwanted objects. There is the pursuit of change along with excitement about possibilities. Perhaps one of the results I treasure most is seeing how happy my clients are after we’ve cleared and organized a space. They feel lightness, relief, and hope.
So when I notice a leaf changing color or a serene river landscape that too brings happiness, hope, and an opening for new possibilities. I’d like to share some of my recent sightings with you. I hope the scenes inspire you to create your possibility intentions.
Click to watch video . . .
What surprises have you discovered this fall? What possibilities are you noticing? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to come and join the conversation.