How to Quickly Change Your Bad Habit to a Healthy One
Change can manifest in many ways. Sometimes it’s about embracing new challenges, pursuing major life choices, or altering perspectives. Not always but often, breaking unhealthy habits, and developing positive ones are integral to our path to change. Our bad habits can revolve around addictive behaviors like smoking and stress eating. Habits can extend to other forms such as continually checking our digital devices, being chronically late, or perpetuating our disorganization.
In this short Ted Talk video, “A Simple Way to Break a Bad Habit,” psychiatrist Judson Brewer talks about the relationship between mindfulness and addiction. He explains how habits develop and shares a profound discovery, which will help you alter your actions. Brewer’s strategy uses a combination of mindfulness and curiosity to generate a better mind/body awareness, which ultimately can result in healthier habits.
Watch this video . . .
A Simple Way to Break a Bad Habit – Judson Brewer, MD, PhD
What is your experience with habit change? Is this an area you struggle with? What has worked for you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Join the conversation!