Several months ago, while on a day-trip adventure visiting the New York Botanical Garden, I stopped in their gift shop to look around. They had beautiful, healthy plants for sale. One, in particular, caught my attention. It was a small, happy plant with a life-affirming sense about it. Even though the plant was still, its bright green leaves appeared to dance and swirl with joyful movement. I brought it home and placed it on my kitchen counter. Every time it catches my glance, it makes me smile. Are you wondering what this story has to do with perspective shifts, change, and fresh starts? Please stick with me. I’m getting there.
A week ago, I noticed that my happy plant wasn’t looking so good. The leaves had some brown spots and were droopy. The soil was moist, so it didn’t need watering. I admit that while I love plants, my husband is the green thumb of the house. He waters, cares for, and repots them as needed. I am the resident enjoyer. However, this little guy needed something right away. While we have natural light in our kitchen, the plant wasn’t getting direct sunlight like some of our others. So I decided to move it to the windowsill in the dining room. I thought it might thrive more in a different location.
Within a day, my plant perked up and looked like its happy self again. It clearly responded to the new view and sun-filled spot. And sometimes, it’s that simple. When we cease to thrive, making one tiny change can give us that energy boost and fresh start we need. If you think of yourself like the plant, it was enjoying its corner until it wasn’t. A change was needed. Do you ever feel that way? You are ok, and then you’re not. You are thriving, and then a life shift or transition happens, and what used to work no longer does. Or maybe you just become complacent staying in the same place? Is that a familiar experience?
When this happens, we might think that a significant change is warranted. But sometimes, one small shift in perspective, location, or routine can provide the spark that’s necessary to move you forward in a positive direction.
Where are you feeling stagnant? What slight shift can you make that will encourage a fresh start? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to leave a comment and join the conversation.