We’re in week two of the New Year. Are you feeling excited about the opportunity a clean slate presents? Maybe you’re starting to feel slightly less motivated than you did last week?
Being that I’m a big fan of the fresh start, “do-over” period, I began thinking about ways to get the most from this time. I’ve come up with a few ideas and would love to hear from you too. Read on and then please join in and add your thoughts.
7 Tips to Turbocharge Your Year
1. Clarify – Whether you prefer visual images, lists, or recorded messages, allow yourself time to figure out your “do-wants” for this year. Take time to dream and future think. Do you need more clarity? Enlist help from a trusted friend, family member, or professional. Consider using an accountability partner to share your progress and challenges.
2. Motivate – According to leadership coach, David Rock, we are most likely to perform well when we focus on solutions rather than problems. Solutions that we figure out ourselves in those “aha” moments as opposed to ones “offered-up” release a burst of energy. Motivation to take action is highest at this point. Know that you have the answers from within. Tap into your internal riches.
3. Laugh – There is nothing quite like having fun to make us feel as if we can accomplish anything. The joy and laughter that accompanies fun, promotes that “Can do” attitude. In the past few weeks, I enjoyed my share of fun activities, but perhaps more than any other, was when I visited the Ann Hamilton installation at the Park Avenue Armory. Laughter and happiness filled this huge space. Participants of all ages watched the billowing white curtain dance, as the oversized swings we were on, activated the movement of the fabric.
4. Organize – Don’t underestimate the power of feeling organized. While this can look very different to each of us, having a sense of control, clarity, and order in our physical environment can greatly enhance our ability to function well and move ahead. Suspend the notion of organizing perfection. Instead, figure out what organized enough means for you and take small steps to get there. Feeling more organized is a fresh start booster.
5. Develop – Perhaps some of your goals for this year include breaking old habits. Based on neuroscience research and concepts that David Rock has tested, they’ve discovered that changing habits are difficult because they are hardwired in our brains. What is far easier is to create an entirely new habit or wiring. Reframing your goals in the form of adding something new instead of taking away the old could be the key to successfully moving forward.
6. Challenge – What are your plans to move yourself out of your comfort zone? The idea of doing this, and then taking action steps forward to make it happen, can increase confidence, motivation and growth. What’s on your facing your fears list? I’ve got a few things planned, one of which is taking a comedy improv class. Someone asked me if I’m excited about it. I’m not excited, more like, terrified. It’s good for me. What’s good for you?
7. Surround – Focus on the positive. That includes people, spaces, objects, thoughts, and sayings. Release the naysayers and energy drainers. While it can be easy to blame others, we can be our own worst enemy. Suspend the negative self-talk. Acknowledge your strengths and potential. Move forward with positive expectation. As Zig Ziglar said, “Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.”
Energize the days and months ahead. Come join the conversation. Which ideas resonate with you? What will help you get the most from your year?