Yes, I know. It’s not spring yet. However, even though in the northeast we had more snow in the past few days and we're still sporting our coats and gloves, spring and what it represents is on our minds. I have nothing against snow or cold or being cozy inside on a winter’s day. Yet the thought of spring brings a smile to my face and a sense of hope that’s particular to this season of rebirth and renewal. Some of you might be wondering why I’m jumping ahead to spring thoughts when it’s still winter. For someone like me that engages in mindfulness practice, this seems anti-mindful.
I was prompted to future-think when I was invited back last week to be a guest on WNYC’s All Of It show hosted by the fabulous, Alison Stewart. The topic was “Spring Cleaning,” as in ways to prepare for spring organizing, choose next steps, lighten-up, and let go.
Alison and I talked about many ideas including rituals for spring organizing and how those are different from other seasons, and which are the most popular areas to organize during the spring. I also answered listeners’ questions such as the best method for organizing “hard” purses, how to let go of the clothes we’re emotionally attached to, and how to be a role model for our kids.
You can listen to the podcast here:
One of the clear themes that arose in the discussions and questions was what to do next? And while that answer varies greatly depending on what your unique situation is I thought it would be useful to share a few organizing strategies to help you navigate next as you gear-up for spring organizing.
3 Next Steps for Successful Spring Organizing . . .
1. How do I choose my next step when I’m feeling overwhelmed by the number of organizing projects I want to tackle this spring?
Next Step: When there are a lot of choices, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. In some cases, this overwhelm can cause inaction. One of the best ways to get unstuck is to figure out the tiniest possible next step you can take. So instead of focusing on all of the projects you want to do, select just one for now. There is no wrong choice. Pick one that will yield the most significant positive result for you or the project that will be easiest to accomplish. Then think small. What one tiny step can you take to move it forward? Build on your success one increment at a time.
2. How do I figure out my next step when I know what I want to organize this spring, but I have no idea of how to get it done?
Next Step: It’s terrific when you know what your organizing goals are. It’s also normal to be unsure about how to accomplish them. An excellent next step is to reach out for help. The help can be from a family member, friend, or professional organizer like me. It’s possible that merely talking about your goals with another person will be enough to get clarity and move you forward. Other times, it’s helpful to have someone working side-by-side with you to help with the actual next steps. The point here is that you don’t have to go it alone. Enlist help from an organizing buddy.
3. What next step ideas do you have for letting go of the things that I’m emotionally attached to?
Next Step: Letting go can be challenging, but it can also be freeing. It’s important to ask yourself why you want to let go. Are you feeling overwhelmed or burdened by your things? Are they taking up emotional or physical space in your life? It’s worth deciding which items are adding value and which ones are not. Once you do that and you’ve determined the belongings you’d like to release, but feel emotionally attached to, find the right resources. Giving, donating or selling them to others that will appreciate your things as you have will make it easier to let them go. It will provide them with safe passage. It can also be helpful to have the support of a non-judgmental, compassionate person to be with you during the decision-making and letting go process.
Behind the Scenes at WNYC
To listen to the March 1st podcast of my guest appearance on WNYC's "All Of It" including listener questions and organizing challenges, my responses, and more, click here. For an inside look at WNYC, watch the video below.
With spring around the corner, what organizing projects are you thinking about? What are your most pressing next step questions? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Join the conversation!