Getting organized is easier for some than for others. What happens when organizing is one of your challenges? When you want to get organized and don’t feel like doing the work, how can you get motivated to move ahead?
There are many motivation techniques. I compiled several of my favorites. The next time you’re feeling motivationally-challenged, give one a try.
5 Motivation Tricks
Use a timer. Strive to organize for short yet regular 15-30 minute sessions. Organizing doesn't need to be done in marathon time blocks. Sometimes it's more bearable to do a challenging task if you are doing it in shorter increments. It becomes less of a big deal in your mind and circumvents the tendency to procrastinate.
Underwhelm your lists. We often make our lists of projects and to dos so large that they de-motivate rather than motivate us to action. If your big expectations are preventing you from getting started, write a short list that includes the next two tiny steps. Focus on doing less to motivate you ahead. Think in bite-sized pieces.
Celebrate your success. After accomplishing five short organizing sessions during a week, give yourself an appropriate reward. Visit a park, have an ice cream cone or meet a friend for coffee. Rewarding yourself for commitment and progress can be a great motivator.
Be kind to yourself. If you can’t decide between organizing or going for a walk, take the walk, clear your head and then come back and reset your timer for a 15-minute organizing session. The idea is to be consistent, work around the difficulties and forge ahead.
Build in fun-factor. Sometimes we work better when we have people with us to cheer us on and provide focus. Turning organizing into a social event can be fun and motivating. Ask a friend or professional to help with the process, especially if you are struggling to move ahead on your own.
What motivates you to move ahead when you are stuck? Do any of these resonate with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation!