21 Questions to Exercise Your Letting Go Muscles
Something exciting is happening. While this spring seems to be off to a slow bloom, the letting go energy that often accompanies this season is blossoming big time. Between clients, friends, family, and acquaintances, the permeating mood is about releasing those things that no longer serve us and are weighing us down. I’ve joined the letting go ranks too, as I prepare for a tag sale this spring. It’s time to clear the space, the decks, the closets, and more. It’s time to create room and energy for what we want in our lives, and release the extraneous.
When our spaces are cluttered with things that no longer serve a purpose, those possessions drain our mental and physical energy. Too much of our resources go to thinking about and maintaining them. When objects clutter our spaces, it becomes difficult to easily move through our day. We feel heavy and encumbered. We might even feel hopeless and depressed.
“When our spaces are cluttered with things that no longer serve a purpose, those possessions drain our mental and physical energy.”
When we let go, what happens? We often experience a sense of lightness, freedom, happiness, clarity, or growth. Positivity envelops us; perhaps a sense of giddiness enters our being. I experience this wonderful shift regularly with my clients. There is a huge sigh of relief when the weight of those paper piles, or crowded closets, or floors covered with overflowing shopping bags are released. The smiles return, as the letting go increases. The things, which once cluttered our rooms and thoughts, are no longer obstacles.
Are you ready to exercise your letting go muscles? Which questions will be most helpful with your releasing journey? Create your mix of prompts and let me know what you discover.
21 Letting Go Prompts
Do you love it?
Do you need it?
Does it need you?
Do you want it?
Does it fit?
Does it look good on you?
Do you have space for it?
What can easily be released?
Has it overstayed its welcome?
If you released it, would you miss it?
If you saw it now, would you buy it again?
Is it taking up too much mental or physical space?
Is it worth the real estate, energy, and maintenance?
Does it support your current needs?
Could someone else use it?
When was the last time you referred to, needed, or wore it?
Do you have other similar items that you like better?
How many is enough?
Are your things preventing growth?
Are your things taking you away from what’s most important to you?
What will become possible for you when you let go?
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation. What are your letting go challenges or successes? What helps you release those things that are holding you back?