The Value of Baking
“Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.”

It’s been a busy bunch of months. I know I’m not alone in this. Life is full. We can easily become overwhelmed with our mounds of to dos and limited time to accomplish our goals and commitments. While in general, I’m pretty good at this balancing dance, lately it’s been more challenging with many competing demands on my time.
Last week, I took a mini break from other projects and commitments to focus on preparing for Thanksgiving. It’s a favorite holiday of ours that we love to host. I scheduled prep time so that I could enjoy the doing as much as the actual event.
The day before Thanksgiving, our younger daughter, Cassie surprised us by arriving home early. To my delight, we got to spend the whole day together baking, chopping, and preparing for the feast. While working we listened to music, talked, and laughed.
Baking and cooking was something I always did with our girls growing up. It was a special time to connect, relax, and learn. What an interesting lesson to be reminded of in the midst of the frenzy I’d been experiencing. The familiar, love-filled act of baking pies together was not only joyful, but balance restoring.
What simple things help restore your balance? Come join our conversation. I’d love to hear your thoughts.