Chronic Disorganization & Next

Earlier this year, John Hunt interviewed me for the Smead “Keeping You Organized” series. We talked about chronic disorganization, clutter, and next steps. With winter’s thaw bringing signs of spring, hope, and change, I wanted to highlight some ideas from my conversation with John. You can watch the interview in its entirety at the bottom of this post.
Chronic Disorganization
Disorganization manifests itself in various ways, from mild to severe and from temporary to ongoing. In the early 1990s, organizing pioneer Judith Kolberg noticed that certain clients did not respond well to traditional organizing techniques. She developed the term chronic disorganization to describe this group and was the founder of the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization (NSGCD). In 2011, NSGCD changed its name to The Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD). I’m ICD’s President-Elect, and I will become President on July 1st. ICD is a 501(c)(3) non-profit association that offers a wealth of education, research, and strategies about chronic disorganization for professionals and the public.
The definition of chronic disorganization:
Having a history of disorganization
Self-help efforts to change have been unsuccessful
Disorganization undermines the quality of life
Next Step
After reading the definition of chronic disorganization, maybe you’ve had an “ah-ha” moment and realized that you or someone you know has this challenge. Learning more is a great next step. Download several of ICD’s easy-to-read, free fact sheets.
Favorite ICD Fact Sheets:
Are You Chronically Disorganized?
Are You Situationally Disorganized?
How Do I Find A Professional Organizer That’s Right For Me?
Readiness for Change
Tips for Communicating With the Chronically Disorganized
Time Management for the Chronically Disorganized
What I love most about every new season, month, or day is that auto-reset button. The natural cycle allows us to get creative and begin again (even after we’ve failed.) The reset encourages possibilities. Possibilities breed hope. So, if you’re feeling challenged by the organizing piece in your life, remember that change is possible.
Learn more
Reach out for help
Discover ways of organizing that work for you
Remain hope-filled
Linda’s Interview About Chronic Disorganization
What’s next for you? Are you or someone you know chronically disorganized? Are you ready for change? Come join the conversation and share your thoughts about disorganization, change and hope.