What Are Today's Interesting Finds? - v1

Next steps are the focus for March. This month winter will transition to spring. On Sunday we move our clocks forward. We’ll trade piles of snow for new blooms. With all these thoughts of transitions, change, and next, I’m excited to introduce today the new blog feature, “What’s Interesting?”
I'm sharing my latest discoveries that inform, educate, and relate to organizing and life balance. I look forward to your feedback, participation, and additions. Enjoy round one of fun, inspiring, and interesting finds.
What's Interesting? . . .
1. Interesting Read - Habits

If you haven’t already read The Power of Habit – Why we do what we do and how to change by Charles Duhigg, I highly recommend it. Duhigg writes about the three-step habit process (cue, routine, reward,) and also how to alter unproductive and unhealthy habits. Identifying and changing “keystone” habits can have a positive domino effect, which automatically change other habits.
2. Interesting Resource – Photo Organizing

One of my colleagues, Dr. April Lane Benson, recently told me about MyPublisher, a website where you can easily create high quality photo albums from your digital photos. I tried it, and was blown away by the quality, ease of use, customization options, and excellent customer service.
3. Interesting New Book – Chronic Disorganization

Just released this month, The ICD Guide to Collaborating with Professional Organizers, edited by Phyllis Floor Knerr, CPO-CD®, is an important addition to the organizing industry. It includes articles by 57 industry experts (including me) about chronic disorganization, what trained professional organizers do, building successful collaborations, and collaboration case studies. The only book like it in our industry, this is a must read for all professionals working with the chronically disorganized population.
4. Interesting Product – Planner

There are many ways to organize our time and plans. Especially for those that need a home-based system, prefer paper, are visually and tactilely oriented, thePost-it® Notes Weekly Planner could be a great addition. Color can be used to code events, people or activities. Sticky notes allow for easy movement and alterations. It’s a flexible planning system.
5. Interesting Tech - Scent
We experience our world through our senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and scent. Our productivity can be enhanced or not by understanding how they can work with us. For example, using color can instantly help us recognize categories or brewing a pot of coffee can be the indicator that it’s time to start working. A new gadget being developed is the oPhone, which allows users to send and receive fragrances such as flowers, coffee, and fruit tarts along with their text messages. I’m curious how the oPhone will influence how we work and relax.

6. Interesting Thought - Next
We can make excuses or we can move ahead anyway. Just take one small step towards next, even if you’re not sure. Experiment. Discover. Stay curious.
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Do you like this new feature? Would you like to see it continued? What was most interesting to you? Do you have anything you’d like to add? Come join the conversation. All feedback is welcome.