Do You Nurture or Sabotage Your Motivation?

Motivation is a funny thing. Sometimes it's just there with enough force and energy to help us easily activate and accomplish "x." When that happens, the doing almost seems effortless because we aren't fighting or negotiating with ourselves. The flip side is when we seem devoid of motivation. Making a decision, let alone actually doing something, seems out of reach and maybe even impossible. What have you noticed lately? Are you poised and ready or are you stuck and overwhelmed? Perhaps the specific type of action, project, or task influences your motivation level.
We are different and behave differently according to the circumstances. There are certain conditions that can nurture or sabotage our motivation. Are you familiar with these?
Sabotages Motivation
Distracted Mind
Distractions are part of human existence. Yet in today's world of being constantly connected and interrupted by our digital devices, those distractions have intensified. It's hard to complete a thought or task without interruptions. This can negatively affect motivation because it makes it that much harder to focus and complete what we're doing. We're only partially present. Taking some intentional digital blackout breaks, doing some deep breathing, or taking a walk in nature can shift the cycle and allow your mind and body to reconnect and release all the distractions.
Is your calendar so full that every waking minute is scheduled? Do you find yourself overcommitting and under-delivering? There's nothing wrong with having a full plate. Yet if you are finding that you're missing deadlines, not getting enough sleep, or are procrastinating, all of these things can sabotage your motivation. Take a step back. What can you release from the "yes" pile? Test it out and observe what happens with motivation.
Lacking Sleep
Are you burning the candle at both ends? Exhaustion is a motivation killer. When we're operating from an exhausted state, everything takes longer, we make poor decisions, and our motivation is sluggish or even non-existent. Take a look at your sleep habits. Figure out how much sleep you need to best function. Experiment with some new sleep routines and find what works for you. As your mind and body get more sleep, notice the positive effect on your motivation.
“There are certain conditions that can nurture or sabotage our motivation.”
Nurtures Motivation
Lightening Load
When we find the right personal balance of commitments, we have the energy and motivation to handle them. When we focus on saying "yes" to the projects, people, and causes that are most meaningful, motivation just flows.
Creating White Space
Free time doesn't just happen. To create that white space in our days, we need to carve it out intentionally. It can be used for doing or not doing. Having some uninterrupted, unscheduled time without any commitments other than to you is an essential motivation booster. How much white space you need or want on a given day will vary. My needs have shifted at different points in my life. These days I crave a daily dose that allows me the quiet and space to exercise, walk and practice mindfulness meditation. I wake early to begin my day with some calm and nurturing. Caring for myself gives me the energy and motivation to care for others.
Connecting With Loved Ones
Spending time with family and friends, whether that's in small doses (like taking a walk) or for an extended time (like vacationing), helps us to relax, play, and unwind. We share stories, challenges, and successes. We talk about the small and big things in life. Those connections make us part of something so that we're not alone in this world. They ground, inspire, and motivate us.
If you are motivationally challenged or know someone who is, do any of these concepts resonate with you? Are you a motivation nurturer or a sabotager? What else have you observed? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation!