How to Be Inspired By Possibilities With Fall's Astonishing Cues
There is an undercurrent now of intense change and anxiety in our lives, which influences how we feel. However, even with the pandemic, political, social, economic, and personal angst, other changes are happening, which inspire positive possibilities. As a visually-oriented person, I am in awe of the fall landscape shifts, which amaze and delight my being.
Each day I discover something new. Maybe some leaves change to yellow, orange, or red. A tree bursting with bright colors one day is letting go of its’ leaves the next.
Fall is an active, robust, and inspiring season of change. It sets the stage for possibilities, as nature cues us to follow her lead. Are you sensing the nudge?
This season I have several things going on personally and professionally. It’s an exciting time. Our youngest daughter, Cassie, is getting married this week. Talk about possibilities! She’s about to embark on married life, and we will officially welcome our new son to the family. Since the celebration will be at our home, my husband and I have been getting the house wedding-ready. We’ve been organizing, decluttering, cleaning, and painting. Yes. Organizers need to declutter too. There is nothing quite as motivating as having a party to get things done.
“Fall sets the stage for possibilities, as nature cues us to follow her lead.”
In the organizing world, I’m looking forward to attending several conferences, virtually, of course. I’m also continuing to do virtual organizing sessions with existing and new clients. It’s exciting to support them as they navigate change and possibilities.
Are you anticipating possibilities? What will this season bring? What inspires you? What are you looking forward to doing, accomplishing, or experiencing this season? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation!