How to Practice Mindfulness for a Compassionate Fresh Start

Are you hard on yourself? Do you engage in negative self-talk about the things you didn’t do or should have done or won’t ever get to? If so, it’s a good time to engage in some self-compassion. You probably are more compassionate with your family, friends, colleagues, and even strangers. Do you extend that same graciousness to yourself?

This month I began taking a mindfulness training course. I’m enjoying the mindfulness meditation practice along with journaling and experimenting other ways of living more mindfully. So much of what I’m learning resonates with how I have always lived. Yet with this training, I’m learning new tools and ways to connect the learning to a fuller daily living experience.

Some of the mindfulness practice centers around focusing on your breath. By developing an awareness of the breath, the inhale and exhale or the expansion and the contraction of the body, you can quiet the mind, become more relaxed, less stressed, and gain better physical and mental clarity.

As I worked on the “Breath Awareness” practice this week, there was one particular passage of the guided meditation, led by Laurence Magro, psychotherapist and mindfulness educator, which I found particularly beautiful. It also connected to this month’s fresh start theme. She said that . . .


“The breath serving as an anchor, an anchor to the present moment. Knowing that you can always start over, coming back to the breath to refocus your attention on the present moment. Being willing to begin again with patience and kindness towards yourself.”

 - Laurence Magro, MBA, MS, LMHC


Are you in need of a compassionate fresh start? Could you use a boost, an anchor, some words of encouragement, or some self-compassion to engage in a do-over? Consider using your breath to refocus on this moment. Let go of the shoulds. Ground yourself in the here and now. Expand from there.

What are you experiencing right now? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation.





3 Words to Quickly Energize Your Fresh Start

Three very wise words culminate with New Year’s Eve’s countdown. They provide inspiration for getting the most out of the clean slate that a new year offers. They can work their magic to energize your fresh start. After all, with a new year come opportunities to begin again, to reset, to dream bigger, and move forward. What are the three words? 



Watch the short video to find out!

 "3 Words" video



Take a moment for a mindset check. Where are you? Are you feeling that it’s all doom and gloom? Or are you feeling that possibilities abound? Are you willing to look at your shortcomings and failures as opportunities for growth? The attitude that we bring with us through the good times and bad, is what makes the difference. If you need help enhancing some positivity, read The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor. His seven principles show you how to make happiness drive your success. It all starts with your attitude. Adopt some happy today.




Can you feel the excitement of doing or trying something new? I love learning, exploring new places and meeting new people. Stepping towards something different can energize us in ways we never expected. It can open new paths of exploration and thinking. Are you going to try something new this year? I just enrolled in a mindfulness training class. I’m so excited to explore more deeply a topic that I’ve been interested in for a long while. I’m open to learning and seeing where this might take me. What will be new for you this year?




One of the beautiful aspects about this time of year is that we get to push that reset button. We have a whole new year with 365 days to explore. What is important to you? Perspective and patience is everything. Change isn’t instant and reaching your goals won’t be either. You have time to pursue them at a reasonable pace. Small changes made regularly, one day at a time, one decision at a time, will add up to success in the course of one year. What will you commit to now? What will you work towards? You can make a difference in one year’s time. 


No matter where you are or what has happened in the first few days of this New Year, take a moment to use these three gifts: Happy…New…Year. Locate, reflect, and plan for an outstanding year ahead. There will be bumps and glitches and unanticipated snags. There will also be amazing days of insight, growth and success. Find your bearings and forge forth with energy and determination. Where are you headed? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation!