Posts tagged memory
What Kind of Overwhelming 'Noise' Does Your Clutter Actually Make?

One of my favorite authors and creative thinkers, Todd Henry, regularly introduces me to new concepts. I admire how he connects ideas from different places to offer fresh perspectives and understanding. Recently, he wrote about the “noise floor,” an audio production term. I equated it to the ‘noise’ clutter makes in our lives.

Todd defined the noise floor as “…the amount of unwanted signal coming from any source other than the one you’re actually trying to record. Listening to someone speak in an environment with a high noise floor is like trying to have a conversation at the beach with a crashing ocean ten feet away. You can make out what they’re saying, but it’s not easy to do.”

He explained how we often “not only allow but invite a high noise floor into our lives.” These “signals” are inputs, requests, demands, and stimuli. If the noise floor in your life is too high, Todd says you might experience things like:

  • Having difficulty with short-term memory and confusing simple concepts

  • Experiencing ongoing distractions and struggling to focus on one project

While you might be functioning with clutter in your life, it could be creating more stress, overwhelm, and challenges than you realize. Are you collecting clutter instead of editing, eliminating, and creating boundaries to keep it under control?

6 Types of Clutter

Think about the noise your clutter makes and how it affects your daily experience. There are different types of clutter, including:

  • Mind clutter – Negative thoughts, thought loops, and disorganized thoughts make activating difficult.

  • Physical clutter – Paper, clothing, toys, and items filling up your environment make it challenging to know what you have.

  • Space clutter – Overfilled rooms, closets, and drawers, make it challenging to move about and locate things.

  • Calendar clutter – Lack of time awareness, chronic lateness, overscheduling, inability to say “no,” and unnecessary meetings affect your stress levels and overall functioning.

  • Digital clutter – Tech devices, email, social media, Internet surfing, dings, and pop-ups create continual distractions, decreasing focus and productivity.

  • Someday clutter – Postponed decisions about things you “might need someday” prevent you from being fully present and available to enjoy now.

Refer to 10 Top Clutter Areas & Solutions That Will Help for clutter-reducing strategies.

Clutter can create more stress and overwhelm than you realize.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

What becomes possible when you lower your clutter noise floor? What will a less cluttered mind, home, or calendar look and feel like for you? Which area needs your time and attention?

Do you want help eliminating the clutter in your life? I’m here for you. Reach out anytime by emailing, calling 914-271-5673, or contacting me with this form. Virtual organizing is a beneficial path forward. Let’s talk. I’m ready to help.

If You Need Support Releasing Stuff After Losing a Loved One, Help Is Here

Loss is part of the human experience. It’s one of the things we have in common with each other. When we lose someone we love, we often want to hold onto their physical possessions to remind us of them. In most situations, keeping some meaningful treasures is comforting. But what happens when your deceased loved one’s stuff overwhelms you? Maybe you are the person who is responsible for deciding what to do with their possessions. Perhaps all of their things have landed in your home, and you don’t have space, time, or energy to edit them. Maybe you’re still grieving, and it feels impossible or too soon to choose. I get it. I’ve been there personally and have walked the road with clients as they’ve faced similar circumstances.

It’s been seven months since my mom passed away. I miss her so much. I completed the editing and dispossessing process. Her lifetime of things, including her home of almost 60 years, has been sold, given to family members, donated, or discarded. I kept some furniture, art, books, jewelry, photos, memorabilia, and documents. There are still a few things I need to decide about. But mostly, her possessions and life are settled.

Beyond her stuff and physical presence, she remains with me in other ways. She visits me in my dreams. When I hear the music of Bach, Mozart, or musicals like The Sound of Music, I think of her. More recently, I was reminded about the power of the olfactory sense, which can transport us to another time in an instant. I hope my story will help you as you journey on your letting go path.


The Pine Needles

I am obsessed with the smell of the pines when I trek down the block. It’s as if I’m a huntress, hunting the scent. Several months ago, when I walked, I only smelled the pine if the wind blew in a particular way. The smell was fleeting. It was there one step and gone the next. I would back step, trying to get “it” again, but the aroma was gone. 

Why am I so obsessed? 

I have a memory from age six or seven. My parents took my siblings and me to a nature preserve for the weekend. Our car was packed with sleeping bags, slabs of wax for the lanterns, coolers, cots, and our dog, Sandy. They rented a lean-to, a three-sided, roofed structure, for our stay.

As we entered the park and drove up the road, tall, gracious pine trees marked the path on either side. My mom had my dad stop the car. She insisted we all gaze at the trees, open our windows, and take in their beautiful fragrance. My mom loved the smell. As we stood, I could hear her inhale the scent as she breathed in deeply and smiled. For those few minutes, the five of us stared and smelled as we enjoyed the moment. Whenever I smell fresh pine, I think of her.

On my walks down my block, I try to get a whiff of the trees. And every so often, I catch it. Then a few weeks ago, I noticed the dried pine needles falling in bunches to the ground. With their release came a concentrated scent. I’d walk, and there was the smell. I felt transported back to the time I had that moment with my mom so many decades ago.

She’s gone now. She left this year in March at 92 years young. But as I wander down the block, kicking the pine needles as I walk, it makes their fragrance even more intense. Gratitude and calm fill my being as I activate the aroma and feel my mom’s presence, strong like the scent of the dried pine needles.

Gently let go when you can.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™

For those of you that have lost a loved one, my heart goes out to you. If you are overwhelmed and struggling with letting go of physical possessions, I offer you this. Can you keep a few treasures and physical reminders? Can you allow the rest to move on? Your loved one’s memory will be with you in other ways through your stories, dreams, scents, sounds, and more. They wouldn’t want you to be overwhelmed or feel burdened by their stuff. Gently let go when you can.

Besides material possessions, what other ways keep you connected to your loved ones who have passed? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.