Posts in Embrace Change
Are Your Pants Too Tight?

El Anatsui, artist“Change is the hallmark of transition.”     – Alexander Levy

Transitions can be prickly as we navigate change. Have you ever experienced that uncomfortable feeling when you’re in the midst of a transition? You don’t feel quite like yourself. It’s like wearing a favorite pair of pants that used to be great and now the fit is off. Are your pants too tight?

Most of us don’t like being uncomfortable. However, trying something new, going in a different direction, or changing in any way will most definitely bring with it those awkward feelings. Let’s get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Let’s accept that it’s part of the change process.

Doubt can also accompany transition and change. This is normal. We are moving into uncharted territory and we aren’t sure about how we’ll manage. If you think back to other times of change, what strengths did you draw upon? What successes did you experience? Access those now. In the interview I did with Judith Kolberg, founder of ICD (formerly NSGCD,) when asked about change strategies for overcoming the fear factor, she said, “My favorite is to draw on their experience. If they are an adult, somewhere in their lifetime they’ve made a big change and survived it.”

Change is a process. You have abundant choices in both your attitude and actions. If your pants are too tight, you get to decide if you’ll keep wearing them or if it’s time for a new pair.

Come join in the conversation and share your ideas. What are your thoughts about change, transition, or those pants that no longer fit?

11 Change Indicators

As we know, change is inevitable. Sometimes it just happens without our participation, and other times we proactively seek it out. How do we know that it’s time for a change? How do we know that it’s time to be proactive? What are the clues or change indicators?

There are many, and we experience them in different ways. Noticing the indicators is important because once they are brought to our consciousness, they become the seeds that flourish into motivation and action

11 Change Indicators

1.The Boredom – While I’m not an advocate of the need to be constantly entertained, there’s something to be said for being too bored. A little boredom is both healthy and restorative. However, if long stretches of boredom are what you’re regularly experiencing, this could mean that something needs to change.

2. The Spark – Do you remember recently hearing, reading, or discussing an idea that got you jazzed up? Perhaps you had an “ah-ha” moment. Maybe it was something that connected the dots, or something new you could imagine pursuing. Perhaps you are experiencing some positive anticipaton. The energy surge or “spark” that you felt could be change calling you.

3. The Agitation – Are you in a perpetual state of irritation? Everything annoys you. Nothing flows. More of your day is spent angry and agitated than is happy and relaxed. This is a big change indicator. What’s your next step for moving ahead?

4. The Sleeplessness – We need sleep. It renews us. It allows our bodies and minds to relax from the active part of our day. Lack of or interrupted sleep negatively affects us. Sleeping issues can be a major change indicator. What might be the cause?

The first step for proactive change is noticing the indicators.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

5. The Drama– Have you recently experienced a big life event such as marriage, birth, death, divorce, job loss, or move? Change is inherent in these times of transition, and not all are welcome or anticipated. As a result of these changes, you might feel out of balance. You haven’t adjusted to the new patterns. Feeling out of balance can be a change indicator.

6. The Exhaustion – Are you getting lots of sleep, yet you’re constantly exhausted? Do you have low energy or motivation? Physiological or emotional issues might cause this. Seeking professional help could be beneficial. This is another change indicator.

7. The Numbers – Are you a metrics tracker? Do you pay attention to numbers such as financial investments, banking balances, business statistics, or inventory supplies? Have you noticed unusual trends? Depending upon what you’re observing, the numbers, which are exhibiting a shift, might lead you to making a change.

8. The Plateau – There are times when we hit that wall. We’ve learned all we can from a situation. We’ve seen all there is to see in a place. We feel like the opportunity to learn and grow has leveled off. We’re ready for that next challenge. We might experience this in our careers, a job, or a place we live. Reaching a plateau could make us chase change.

9. The Scale – We all do it. We step on the scale and the pounds keep moving in the upward direction. Maybe our pants are getting a bit too tight. Maybe we run out of breath as we climb a flight of stairs. Physically, we just aren’t feeling quite right. Change is calling.

10. The Environment – How is your physical space? Is it designed and organized in a way to support who you are and what you do? Do you find it difficult to locate what you need? Do you find it challenging to function properly in your environment? When your space isn’t working, you might feel overwhelmed or frustrated. This is another change indicator.

11. The Thoughts – What are you thinking about? Is your mind filled with negative thoughts? Do you find yourself wishing you were somewhere else? Are you having challenges experiencing gratitude, joy, and mindfulness? The restlessness and discontent we can feel internally could be an indicator for change.

A first step for proactive change is noticing the indicators. Once we observe what we’re seeing and feeling, we then can begin to identify next steps. Next might mean, simply acknowledging our feelings. It might mean enlisting help from a professional. Or, it might mean changing what we eat, where we work, or how we live.

What are your change indicators? Are there any ones you’d like to add? Let's open up the conversation. I love hearing your thoughts.

Pursuing Change

Photo by Linda SamuelsThere are moments when you just know it’s time to do something different. How do you know? Maybe you’re bored or restless. Maybe you’re overwhelmed or disgusted. Maybe you’re just ready for the next challenge. How do you know when it’s time for a change?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve known when I needed to switch directions, tweak, or try something new. There was no formula or consistent timeframe. A certain amount of restlessness would come over me. I wouldn’t notice it at first, but when I did, it couldn’t be ignored. It became time to get creative and begin thinking about what “next” might look like.

Growth and learning accompany change. It also brings excitement that’s both exhilarating and sometimes stress producing.  There is both the thrill of the unknown and the fear of it, yet the pursuit goes on anyway.

Not all changes are monumental. Sometimes they are small shifts in how we think, practice self-care or schedule our days. Sometimes they are big like moving to a new location, switching jobs, or changes in family structure.

All change requires a certain amount of bravery. Seeking change means we have a willingness to do that which we have not done before. So we begin, some more boldly than others. We take one action step and then another until we reach the goal we desire. We are hopeful.

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Are you chasing change? What are you pursuing? What is prompting you forward?

4 Tips for Navigating Change

How do slippers relate to navigating change? Let me explain. I have various collections of things, including slippers. Like most collectors, I have my favorite among favorites. In this case, my purple velvet beaded slippers are the pair I use and enjoy most because they are cozy, sparkly, beautiful, and purple.

Most wearable objects don't last forever and my slippers are no exception. They have brought me simple comfort and delight on the coldest of nights. They are now worn to the point of no longer being comfortable because of the tattered interiors. The time had come to change my slippers.

As a professional organizer, one of the things I do is help people edit and let go of those “things” that have overstayed their welcome. What I found so interesting was how resistant I was to releasing and replacing this particular pair of slippers. Isn't that how it often is with change? When we have to let go of something we actually love be it a person, place, thing or concept, it becomes even more challenging.

I did a few things to prepare for the inevitable. Yes, I know we’re talking about slippers, but the concepts are applicable to use for more significant changes. Maybe one of these ideas will help you the next time you are struggling with change.

1. Indulge in Procrastinating- I allowed my resistant thoughts about not doing anything to be present for as long as I needed. Procrastination is often looked upon as something negative. But for me, it gave me the time to process that change was going to happen.

2. Research Possibilities- I hunted for slippers that might be even better than what I had. To my disappointment, they didn't exist. In the process of searching it allowed me to appreciate just how great these slippers had been, and also opened the door for something else. Just engaging in the research process, mentally prepared me and opened my mind to other possibilities.

3. Test Something Different- As I mentioned, I have a collection of slippers. I looked them over and picked out another pair to start wearing instead of the worn ones. Happily, I discovered that it actually wasn't so bad. In fact, they were much more comfortable with their smooth interiors. It reinforced the positive aspect that change brings with it some nice surprises and a dash of hope.

4. Use Photos or Words- It helped me to take photos and write about the slippers. Sometimes the memories of our lives can be captured as visuals or words to commemorate objects with meanings or special moments with loved ones. Having these other references allows us to process, honor, and then let go of the physical. This paves the path for embracing change.

So where am I now? My velvet slippers will be exiting shortly. I'm still indulging a bit in procrastination-land. I have, however, ordered two new pairs of slippers from Pearl River in turquoise and purple and am awaiting their arrival.

Is it time to change your slippers or something else? Join in the conversation about letting go, change, and the gifts to come.