How to Make Fortune Cookie Wisdom Inspire Your Fresh Start
Do you love the surprise of reading fortune cookie fortunes? I do. Recently, I got one I want to share with you, which I will do momentarily. Cookie fortunes vary a lot. Some don’t resonate or make sense. Others are so timely or hope-filled that they become ‘keepers.’
As you begin a new month and year, anything you discover to inspire or encourage your fresh start is worth exploring.
Often, I’ve noticed how the start of a project or a change you want to make is the most challenging. Imagine rooms filled with paper piles, non-functioning closets overflowing with clothes, or schedules packed so tightly there is no time to breathe.
Figuring out where or how to start can be overwhelming and prevent you from moving forward. You remain bothered and stuck by the clutter in your space, calendar, or mind. The clutter weighs heavily on your thoughts.
enter the fortune cookie wisdom . . .
“Begin...the rest is easy.”
Perhaps that seems too simplistic. Play around with the phrase to make it more authentic for you.
How about:
Begin…the rest is doable.
Begin…the rest is possible.
Begin…the rest will happen.
Begin…the rest is achievable.
Begin…the rest is within reach.
Begin…the rest is manageable.
Begin…the rest is ______.
I encourage you to begin. Take a small action step toward the project or change you desire. Maybe that means editing one tiny pile of papers, removing the additional hangers in your closet, or hiring an accountability partner or professional organizer like me. The operative word is, begin.
I’ve seen over and over the positive energy and momentum that come from taking the first minuscule steps toward your goal. I encourage you to lean into the fortune cookie wisdom. Just begin. If you aren’t sure how or where to start, reach out. I’d love to help you activate and work on your 2023 goals. How can I help?
How are your new year and fresh start going? Have you made progress, or are you feeling stuck? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.