Posts tagged Dr. Christine Li
Here Are Today's Interesting, Best Wonderfully Human-Related Discoveries - v33

The newest installment (v33) of the “What’s Interesting?” feature is here with my latest finds informing, educating, and relating to organizing and life balance. Included are unique, inspiring, wonderfully human-related discoveries, which reflect this month’s blog theme. 

You are a generous, compassionate, and engaged group. I am deeply appreciative and grateful for your presence, positive energy, and contributions to this community. I look forward to your participation and additions to the collection I’ve sourced.

What do you find interesting?


What’s Interesting? – 5 Best Wonderfully Human-Related Discoveries

1. Interesting Read – Human Being

“Awareness is a capacity of the human mind…the state of being conscious of something.”  This quote is from Diana Winston’s The Little Book of Being – Practices and Guidance for Uncovering Your Natural Awareness. Diana is an author, mindfulness teacher, and director of mindfulness education at UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center.

Mindfulness practices have different areas of focus and awareness. In Diana’s book, she features natural awareness, which she says, “…is a way of knowing and a state of being wherein our focus is on the awareness itself rather than on the things we are aware of. It is generally relaxed, effortless, and spacious.” The book’s three sections help us understand what natural awareness is, share natural awareness meditation techniques, and give ways to informally practice natural awareness. What is the benefit of an awareness practice? Diana says, “…both natural awareness and classical mindfulness practices…give us a capacity to handle life.”



2. Interesting Product – Human Doing

This hot off the press game, Declutter Go!™, which officially goes on sale on November 15th, was invented by my amazing friend and colleague, Lynne Poulton, founder of Wholly Organized®. Declutter Go!™ is as fun and colorful as Lynne. The game entices you to get started, especially if you feel overwhelmed by clutter, with the roll of a dice or two or six.

This is a motivational tool that uses brain science and gamification to help you conquer clutter. The game will help prepare you to declutter, choose an action, set a time boundary for your decluttering session, select the room to work and enjoy a reward after completing three decluttering sprints. Designed by humans for humans, use this yourself, or play it with the whole family. Learn more at



3. Interesting Resource  – Human Experiencing

With intolerance and hatred on the rise, we need more kindness and compassion in this world. One way to do this is to seek to understand rather than to “other.” The Human Library®, a non-profit developed in Denmark over 20 years ago, is a learning platform that hosts personal conversations that aim to “challenge stigmas and stereotypes” and talk with people you would not usually meet. They create a safe space to openly discuss topics between their “human books” and readers. The “human books” are volunteers who share their personal experiences. The Human Library® says, “difficult questions are expected, appreciated, and answered.” They host events virtually, in libraries, and other venues in over 80 countries.


Awareness is a capacity of the human mind . . . a state of being conscious of something.
— Diana Winston


4. Interesting Podcast – Human Listening

Last month I loved talking with Dr. Christine Li, Make Time for Success podcast host, psychologist, procrastination coach, and all-around extraordinary human being. Christine invited me to be a guest on her podcast for a two-part series. I shared ideas for managing clutter and discussed, at her request, the virtual organizing work we did together. If you missed our organizing conversations, listen here.

If you haven’t signed up for Christine’s podcast, add it to your listening cue now. She has a calm, warm way of normalizing the challenges we all face and sharing ways to overcome them. Christine is authentic, brave, and asks excellent, insightful questions. Her voice is so soothing. You come away feeling inspired along with learning simple, doable strategies for change.


5. Interesting Thought – Human Appreciating
The holidays can be full of stress, rushing, overdoing, and indulging. There are parties to host or attend, presents to purchase and wrap, and special meals to shop for and prepare. But here’s the thing. Many moments can be missed if we’re so focused on doing. We forget to stop, breathe, and notice the beauty and joy available to us. So while you are rushing and stressing, take a minute. Choose the lovely route to the store, take a forest walk in the rain, and slow down enough to be present. It will help you enjoy the holidays with more gratitude and less stress.

What are your interesting, wonderfully human discoveries? Which of these resonate with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

Are You Curious What's Possible When You Hire a Professional Organizer?

Do you feel challenged by the physical and emotional clutter in your life? Does your clutter overwhelm and bother you? You are not alone. Imagine what it would feel like to become the “boss of my clutter,” as the fabulous psychologist and procrastination coach Dr. Christine Li said to me recently. When we address and enlist support for our challenges, it’s incredible what becomes possible.  If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, disorganized, and cluttered, do not despair. There is hope. If you’re curious how a professional organizer like me can help and what it’s like to work together, keep reading (and listening.) Settle in, grab a cup of your favorite hot beverage, and get ready for a great surprise.

A few months back, Christine reached out to invite me as a guest on her insightful podcast, Make Time for Success. If you’re not familiar with her podcast, add it right now to your listening cue. Christine has a calm, warm way of normalizing challenges and sharing ways to overcome them. She’s authentic, brave, and asks excellent questions. You come away feeling inspired along with simple strategies for change.

Christine and I met several years ago and have remained in touch. For the podcast, Christine asked me to share some ideas for managing clutter. She also said she’d like to hire me to help her address the clutter in her home office, kitchen, and main bedroom. Then she asked if I would be willing to do a second podcast after our three virtual organizing sessions to talk about our work together- a debrief. The work I do with clients is confidential. Christine’s client-initiated offer to speak publicly about her organizing challenges, successes, and experience of working together was rare.

It was extraordinary having the podcast conversations, working with Christine, and listening to the thoughtful way she talked about her clutter, discoveries, and habit changes. I am deeply grateful to her for inviting me to be a guest, hiring me to work with her, and sharing her heart and insights. She breathes what’s possible.

When we address and enlist support for our challenges, it’s incredible what becomes possible.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO™

Make Time for Success Podcasts

Listen to our conversations by clicking on the players below.

Part 1:  5 Types of Clutter You Can Get Organized Now with Linda Samuels

In this episode, you will discover:



Part 2:  Here’s What Happened When I Worked with a Professional Organizer with Linda Samuels

In this episode, you will discover:

  • Christine’s lessons learned

  • How I listen for what my clients need and wish for

  • Why clutter often leads to feelings of paralysis and procrastination

  • What success looks and feels like

The podcasts cover a broad scope of ideas including, clutter, emotional attachments, procrastination, working with a professional organizer, and discovering what’s possible. What resonated with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

If you want support and are ready to figure out how to, as Christine says, “live peacefully with our stuff,” I’m here. Please email me, or call 914-271-5673. I’m ready to help.