Pursuing Change

Photo by Linda SamuelsThere are moments when you just know it’s time to do something different. How do you know? Maybe you’re bored or restless. Maybe you’re overwhelmed or disgusted. Maybe you’re just ready for the next challenge. How do you know when it’s time for a change?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve known when I needed to switch directions, tweak, or try something new. There was no formula or consistent timeframe. A certain amount of restlessness would come over me. I wouldn’t notice it at first, but when I did, it couldn’t be ignored. It became time to get creative and begin thinking about what “next” might look like.

Growth and learning accompany change. It also brings excitement that’s both exhilarating and sometimes stress producing.  There is both the thrill of the unknown and the fear of it, yet the pursuit goes on anyway.

Not all changes are monumental. Sometimes they are small shifts in how we think, practice self-care or schedule our days. Sometimes they are big like moving to a new location, switching jobs, or changes in family structure.

All change requires a certain amount of bravery. Seeking change means we have a willingness to do that which we have not done before. So we begin, some more boldly than others. We take one action step and then another until we reach the goal we desire. We are hopeful.

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Are you chasing change? What are you pursuing? What is prompting you forward?

V-Day Organizing Giveaway

@2012 Photo by Linda SamuelsValentine’s Day includes some of my favorite things including hearts, cards, sparkles, chocolate, flowers, and most importantly, love. It’s a day for gratitude and reminding the special people in your life how much they mean to you.

I’ve been writing The Other Side of Organized blog for over two years. The blog has gathered a community of people that enjoy conversing and sharing ideas about organizing and life balance. It’s a gift to all of us when you stop by to join the conversation, leave comments, reflect or ask questions. I am thankful for you and all that you continue to share.

To celebrate my favorite holiday and appreciation of you, I’m having a V-Day Organizing Giveaway beginning today, February 14th. One winner will be selected on February 20th.  For the giveaway description and contest rules, continue reading.

The V-Day Organizing Giveaway includes goodies that will organize, inspire, relax and delight you. The winner will receive everything described below:

Contest Rules:

What are your thoughts on this love-filled day? I look forward to our conversation about love, chocolate, organizing and more. Happy Valentine’s Day! Wishing you all good luck!

4 Tips for Navigating Change

How do slippers relate to navigating change? Let me explain. I have various collections of things, including slippers. Like most collectors, I have my favorite among favorites. In this case, my purple velvet beaded slippers are the pair I use and enjoy most because they are cozy, sparkly, beautiful, and purple.

Most wearable objects don't last forever and my slippers are no exception. They have brought me simple comfort and delight on the coldest of nights. They are now worn to the point of no longer being comfortable because of the tattered interiors. The time had come to change my slippers.

As a professional organizer, one of the things I do is help people edit and let go of those “things” that have overstayed their welcome. What I found so interesting was how resistant I was to releasing and replacing this particular pair of slippers. Isn't that how it often is with change? When we have to let go of something we actually love be it a person, place, thing or concept, it becomes even more challenging.

I did a few things to prepare for the inevitable. Yes, I know we’re talking about slippers, but the concepts are applicable to use for more significant changes. Maybe one of these ideas will help you the next time you are struggling with change.

1. Indulge in Procrastinating- I allowed my resistant thoughts about not doing anything to be present for as long as I needed. Procrastination is often looked upon as something negative. But for me, it gave me the time to process that change was going to happen.

2. Research Possibilities- I hunted for slippers that might be even better than what I had. To my disappointment, they didn't exist. In the process of searching it allowed me to appreciate just how great these slippers had been, and also opened the door for something else. Just engaging in the research process, mentally prepared me and opened my mind to other possibilities.

3. Test Something Different- As I mentioned, I have a collection of slippers. I looked them over and picked out another pair to start wearing instead of the worn ones. Happily, I discovered that it actually wasn't so bad. In fact, they were much more comfortable with their smooth interiors. It reinforced the positive aspect that change brings with it some nice surprises and a dash of hope.

4. Use Photos or Words- It helped me to take photos and write about the slippers. Sometimes the memories of our lives can be captured as visuals or words to commemorate objects with meanings or special moments with loved ones. Having these other references allows us to process, honor, and then let go of the physical. This paves the path for embracing change.

So where am I now? My velvet slippers will be exiting shortly. I'm still indulging a bit in procrastination-land. I have, however, ordered two new pairs of slippers from Pearl River in turquoise and purple and am awaiting their arrival.

Is it time to change your slippers or something else? Join in the conversation about letting go, change, and the gifts to come.

Noticing Change
Carl and Wilma Machover

Carl and Wilma Machover

Small and large changes happen internally and externally all the time. Sometimes we are oblivious and other times we’re acutely aware of the shifts. Sometimes we appreciate and embrace change, while other times we resent or fear it.

As I’m in an “acutely aware” period, I’m feeling particularly grateful for a slight break tonight from a tumultuous period of change. Both of my parents have been experiencing health and life challenges that deeply affect me. I have been living these changes and varied emergencies with them for months, navigating uncharted territory, and simultaneously trying to find balance and normalcy.

I sit here this evening with my hot cup of tea and feet resting comfortably on my purple velvet footstool, finding joy in writing and sipping. This familiar activity that I love grounds me. It’s a respite from the swirl of change and concern that has actively pursued me these many days.

This intensity of change has reaffirmed my belief in the importance of self-care. Getting enough sleep, staying hydrated, eating regularly and making time for fun, friends, family and self are essential.

When any of us have challenges be it health, financial, relationships or careers, it’s so easy to only focus on that. But none of us are just our challenges. We have many strengths and passions. Drawing on these, especially when life is throwing the curve balls, can make all the difference for navigating change.

What changes are you noticing? Which strengths are available to you?