Posts tagged fear
What If Your Next Step Developed a New Habit to Hopefully Transform Your Life?

Are there times when figuring out your next step is challenging? Maybe you need more information, fear making mistakes, or feel overwhelmed with decision-making.

If the next step is a one-and-done task, it can seem more manageable. However, the next step can feel elusive and unclear when working on a long-term project or making a significant life change.

There are many ways to approach finding next, which I’ve written a lot about. Some of these ideas to get unstuck and determine what’s next included:

Recently, I discovered an inspired question, which approaches next in a refreshing way.



Making Next Transformational

In James Clear’s “3-2-1 Thursday” newsletter, he posed this thought-provoking question:

“What single habit if implemented consistently for the rest of this year, would transform your life the most?”

I love this question for three reasons:

Reason 1. The query focuses your attention to developing just one new habit. Most of us tend to take on too much at once, making it difficult to make progress on anything.

Reason 2. The question encourages you to consider which habit change would have the most impact. You are investing your time in doing something different. Selecting the habit that will be most transformative will give you the most for your efforts.

Reason 3. The ask supports consistent, small efforts that will result in monumental, positive change over a specific, doable time frame, “rest of this year.”

“What single habit if implemented consistently for the rest of this year, would transform your life the most?”
— James Clear

What Will You Invite In?

Let’s remember and imagine.

Remember - Think about a time you successfully developed a new habit. What did you learn from that experience? Is it a habit you still engage in? What positive affect resulted?

Imagine - Future think to the end of this year. What positive change happened as a result of your consistent habit? Which area of your life did it affect? Was it related to your relationships, finances, health, work, home, personal development, or another category?

As you consider what new habit to adopt, remember that your future self will thank you.

One Significant Habit Change

I’ve changed many habits in my life, including my reading habits. I love reading and typically do so at night before bed. However, that’s also when I’m most tired. When I’m sleepy, I read more slowly, read fewer pages because I drift off, and don’t retain the material as well.

One morning, after meditating, I changed things up and read before getting out of bed. I was motivated to finish the book, which I had almost completed the night before. Reading while fully awake was such an uplifting experience that I integrated this new habit into my morning routine.

It’s been amazing! Not only am I enjoying and assimilating what I’m reading even more, but I’m also reading twice as many books. This habit supports my thirst for learning and understanding, which I highly value.

What area of your life would you like to change? What new habit can enhance your life? What will be next for you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.



How Can I Help?

Do you want support organizing, developing new habits, or figuring out your next step? I’d love to help! Virtual organizing is an extraordinary path forward – local feel with a global reach.

Please schedule a Discovery Call, email me at, or call 914-271-5673. Change is possible, especially with support.

How to Encourage Change More from a Joy, Not Dread Perspective

When you think about change, which emotions bubble up? As someone who has observed, experienced, and helped others make changes, I’ve noticed many reactions. When anticipating change, we can experience mixed emotions, including fear, frustration, anxiety, doubt, overwhelm, sadness, ambivalence, excitement, relief, and hope.

Emotions are powerful. They can paralyze or propel us, depending on which ones are in play.

  • What if you could stack the deck in your favor?

  • What if you could shift your perspective to encourage a more joyful experience for your desired changes?

  • How would that alter your journey?

When you think about making a change, it can feel enormous, confusing, and unreachable. For example, let’s say you feel overwhelmed and frustrated by the clutter and disorganization in your life. You want things to change but don’t know what to do or how to begin. As a result, you do nothing.

A common organizing philosophy encourages breaking down large projects or goals into small, doable parts or tasks. Using this strategy is an effective path forward. You keep the larger goal in mind while focusing your effort on tiny, baby steps. This process reduces overwhelm and facilitates forward movement.


Encourage Change by Shifting Your Perspective

During a recent meditation and writing retreat led by my friend and colleague, Yota Schneider, she shared an insightful question. We considered it in a particular context around focusing.

However, the more I thought about it, the more I recognized how you could use the question to encourage change through a lens of positive expectations.

The question Yota shared was from neuropsychologist and author Dr. Rick Hanson. He asked,

“What will I be glad I did today?”

I appreciate the question’s simplicity and graciousness. What will I be glad I did today? The question has several fascinating effects.

  • Contemplate – It invites you to consider joy, happiness, gratification, or satisfaction as the driving force. In other words, you are taking action inspired by this positive perspective.

  • Strengthen – It offers a nonjudgmental inquiry while strengthening activation confidence. You imagine this positive change or task as if you have already accomplished it. The question boosts agency.

  • Reduce – While it doesn’t overtly state this, the question implies a narrower, singular focus. Dialing down the possibilities to something smaller can reduce or eliminate overwhelm.

  • Imagine – It merges present action with positive, immediate future results. You are doing something now that you will be happy you did later today.

  • Build – Using this question to navigate change gently promotes a repeat-and-build pattern versus a one-and-done method.

  • Act – The question is non-confrontational. It’s even kind of fun. You’re focusing on how good you’ll feel or “glad” you are when you do that thing today. 

Encourage change through a lens of positive expectations.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

Work the Present and the Future

Once you gear your mind toward a “glad I did today” focus, you will experience many positive changes that connect with your larger goals. Here are several of the positives I’ve experienced recently and the change categories they influenced. I am glad I:

Relationships – Nurture and Strengthen

  • Celebrated my husband’s birthday

  • Cooked with my daughter

  • Sent packages and notes to our kiddos in advance of Valentine’s Day

  • Had assorted conversations with friends, family, and colleagues, including a friend I hadn’t spoken with in way too many years

Professional – Lead and Learn

  • Completed the edits and returned my chapter for a new ICD book on chronic disorganization

  • Led a planning meeting for my organizing colleagues for NAPO Westchester

  • Had virtual organizing sessions with my clients

  • Wrote my blog

Finances – Manage and Build

  • Gave our accountant a preliminary tax summary

  • Paid bills

  • Reconciled accounts

Household – Maintain and Edit

  • Cleared out the 2024 files and set up the 2025 files

  • Did laundry

  • Added a few clothing items to the donation bag

Well-Being – Calm and Care

  • Scheduled vaccines

  • Didn’t eat that extra piece of cake

  • Took a walk along the river even though it was cold

  • Slept later than usual

  • Went to yoga class

  • Meditated


It’s Your Turn to Invite Change

Which categories in your life are you looking to change? What is one thing you can do today that will bring you closer to that goal? With this in mind, what will you be glad you did today? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.


How Can I Help?

Do you want support organizing, planning, or inviting positive change? I’d love to help! Virtual organizing is an extraordinary path forward – local feel with a global reach.

Please email me at, call 914-271-5673, or schedule a Discovery Call. Change is possible, especially with support.


One Clarifying Question to Help Embrace Change in Your Life

How is it already February? The past few months have been intense, and time has flown by. Based on recent conversations and my own experience, many people want to make changes but feel stuck.

Conflicting emotions include an urgency for change, confusion about what to change or how to move forward, and exhaustion even before starting. Additionally, the desire for change and the fear of the unknown can create further paralysis.

These feelings can show up in many ways, including:

  • You are dissatisfied with the status quo.

  • You want to make a shift but don’t know how to go about it.

  • You’re exhausted from the news, endless possibilities, and uncertainty.

  • You are unable to focus.

  • You feel overwhelmed.

  • You feel stuck and can’t figure out how to move forward.

  • You want things to change but have no energy to make it happen.

  • You want to press pause and postpone change.

  • You want to take action but are afraid of doing it wrong.

  • You don’t want to live this way anymore but lack clarity about changing things.



The Clarifying Question

Before making any change, selecting one area to focus on is essential. It can be tempting when pursuing change to get overly ambitious. There is nothing wrong with that. However, dividing your attention in too many directions can be overwhelming.

In The Power of Letting Go by John Purkiss, he poses this powerful and clarifying question:

“What do you want to change in your life?”

While you may have a long list of items, I encourage you to choose only one thing at a time. Don’t worry about what change to make or how or when you’ll make it. Release that noise. Begin with the question.



Which Change Will You Pursue?

You might want to pursue changes in several of the categories below. However, as mentioned, focusing on one area and one specific change at a time is most effective.

Change categories include:

  • Career and Work

  • Family and Relationships

  • Finances

  • Fun and Recreation

  • Health and Wellness

  • Personal Growth

  • Physical Environment

  • Spirituality

Here are some examples:

  • If Fun and Recreation is the first category you focus on, you might add one fun activity each month, such as going to a movie, ice skating, or having a pizza and game night.

  • If Health and Wellness is the first category you focus on, you might establish better sleep hygiene over several months. Establish consistent bedtime, reduce the ambient light, put away digital devices a few hours before bed, and take a warm bath.

  • If Physical Environment is the first category you focus on, you might declutter and organize one area each month, such as the kitchen, clothing closet, or bathroom.

Integrate one change before pursuing additional ones.

Integrate one change before pursuing additional ones.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

How to Work with the Clarifying Question

You know the clarifying question. Here’s one way to work with it:

  • Find a quiet place to reflect.

  • Close your eyes if that helps.

  • Sit with John’s question: What do you want to change in your life?

  • Notice what arises.

  • Capture your thoughts.

  • Scan your list.

  • Note which categories your changes are in.

  • Select one category and one specific change from that category to focus on first.

  • Allow the other ideas and chatter to recede into the background for now.

  • Once the change is well established, revisit your list to select the next change you want to pursue.

Do you feel more prepared to embrace change? Was the clarifying question helpful? What are you considering? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.



How Can I Help?

Do you want support organizing, planning, or clarifying changes to pursue? I’d love to help! Virtual organizing is an extraordinary path forward – A local feel with a global reach.

Please schedule a Discovery Call, email me at, or call 914-271-5673. Change is possible, especially with support.

How to Lean into an Absolutely Imperfect Fresh Start

Artwork by Jean-Michel Basquiat from Luna Luna exhibit

What is it about the complications of a fresh start? You might put extra pressure on yourself regarding how to fully embrace, in a certain way, the clean slate that a new month or year offers.

Perhaps you’re waiting for all the planets to align so you can begin again in a particular, “perfect” way. Maybe you feel overwhelmed sorting through endless possibilities, have difficulty making decisions, or fear you won’t do things “correctly.”

 Guess what? Perfect isn’t necessary. Instead, consider what becomes possible when you lean into an imperfect, fresh start.

Why Imperfection?

Oliver Burkeman, a bestselling author and columnist, publishes “The Imperfectionist,” a newsletter that explores “productivity, mortality, the power of limits, and building a meaningful life in an age of bewilderment.”

In last month’s newsletter, Burkeman described himself as “prone to overthinking, borne of a perfectionistic desire to do things right, or in the right order, or in the right way, which erects a barrier between an idea and its natural expression in present-moment action.”



The “Ultra-Simple” Approach

Burkeman went on to share a favorite productivity strategy. This technique helps bypass perfectionistic tendencies and encourages bold, imperfect action.

His instructions are:

  • “Get a lined notebook.

  • Write one task on the first line of a page.

  • Complete that task.

  • Draw a line through it.

  • Then write a new task on the next line – and repeat.

  • There’s no messing around here. You think about what to do, and then do it.”

What action could you simply decide not to hinder today?
— Oliver Burkeman

Your Imperfect, Fresh Start

I love the “no messing around here” part. Instead of stressing, questioning, and delaying, the idea is to get out of your way and do something. Don’t make a big deal about the fresh start or allow perfectionism to derail you.

Go for it! Do one small thing, cross it off, and repeat.

Burkeman asks two inspiring questions:

  • “What’s something you could do, right away…merely by stepping gracefully out of the way, with all your usual overcomplicating nonsense, and letting action happen?”

  • “What action could you simply decide not to hinder today?”

How can you simplify your fresh start? What can you do right now? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.



How Can I Help?

Do you want support organizing, planning, or making the most of this new year? I’d love to help! Virtual organizing is an extraordinary path forward – A local feel with a global reach.

Please schedule a Discovery Call, email me at, or call 914-271-5673. Change is possible, especially with support.