What Are Today's Interesting Finds? - v7

I’m happy to bring you the newest installment (v7) of the “What’s Interesting?” feature where I share my latest discoveries that inform, educate, and relate to organizing and life balance. I’ve included unique and inspiring success-related finds, which reflect this month’s blog theme. You are a magnificently, engaged group. I look forward to your participation and additions to the collection I’ve sourced for you. What do you find interesting?

What’s Interesting? . . .

1. Interesting Read – Redefining Success

Several months ago, I had the opportunity to meet the inspiring Arianna Huffington and hear her speak about her new book, Thrive. After working to the point of collapse, she was motivated to find ways to fix her “broken definition of success.” She wrote, “What we’re beginning to recognize is that success is not always about doing more, but also about doing better – and we do better when we’re connected to our inner wisdom, strength, and intuition.” Success has traditionally been tied to money and power. Sharing stories and scientific research, she proposes a third metric consisting of well-being, wisdom, wonder, and giving.

2. Interesting Resource – Organizing Success

My friends at Smead have a terrific podcast series, SmeadOrganomics, where they interview organizers on a variety of topics, including everything from organizing tech tools to closets to time. I’ve enjoyed being interviewed by the wonderful John Hunt for several of these podcasts. In the latest video, “How to Choose a Professional Organizer That’s Right For You,” I share questions to ask before hiring an organizer so that you will achieve the ultimate success in your organizing journey.

3. Interesting Product – Workplace Success

Joel Health, founder of Fluidstance says, “You were designed to move – It’s likely your workspace was not.” His company has created the LevelTM, a unique product, which is a skateboard-like platform. The wood and aluminum board lets you wobble while you work, allowing for subtle movements and increasing your heart rate by 15 percent. We know that sitting all day or standing still for prolonged periods is unhealthy and physically taxing your body. The Level provides a new way to add movement to your workday.

4. Interesting Tech – Tracking Success

You just had your keys, glasses, or wallet in hand, but they have suddenly gone missing. Stress no more. You can find your lost items in seconds with the Tile, a Bluetooth tracker. Attach or affix Tiles on your everyday items, then keep track of them using the Apple or Android app. What was lost is now easily found!

5. Interesting Thought – Perspective Success

The obstacles we face are part of the journey. Adopting a performance versus a learning agenda can be the change that’s needed in order to experience success.

I’d love to hear your thoughts. What are your interesting finds? Do any of these resonate with you?  Come join the conversation!

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How To Choose A Professional Organizer That's Right For You

Having just returned from a wonderful ICD conference with over 150 diverse and talented professional organizers from around the world, I can understand potential clients' challenges in choosing an organizer to work with. There are so many great choices. When you combine the vast array of organizers with other factors to consider, like expertise and availability, selecting the “right” organizer might feel overwhelming.

Are you ready to hire a professional organizer? Do you want to experience success with your organizing goals? Are you confused about what questions to ask?

Wonder no more. In the recent video How to Choose A Professional Organizer That's Right for You, John Hunt interviewed me for Smead’s Keeping You Organized series. I shared many questions to help you find an organizer that will be a great fit. We focused on questions about assessment, indicators, availability, research, intuition, and education or experience.

How To Choose A Professional Organizer - Smead Podcast

What question do you find most helpful for ensuring a successful fit? If you’ve hired an organizer, which question was most important for you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation.

Easy Success Tips to Boost Your Creativity and Learning

As I head to Cleveland this week for the annual Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD) conference, thoughts about learning, creativity and success are on my mind. The conference is one of the learning highlights of my year. Colleagues from around the world gather to discover the latest education and research about chronic disorganization. This is a creative group that strives to find unique organizing strategies to better help our clients who struggle with chronic disorganization.

I’m looking forward to success on multiple levels- having a successful conference for our ICD community, bringing back ideas to help my clients enjoy greater success, and personally appreciating a successful experience.

Continuing along the line of success, here are a few tips I recently discovered that could enhance your creativity and learning. They are simple, yet effective.


Success Tip 1:  Boost Your Creativity

According to a study conducted by Stanford University, taking a walk can boost your creativity by 60%. While walking outside has additional benefits, especially for improving our sense of well being, walking indoors can be just as effective when it comes to boosting your creativity. The next time you’re stuck with solving a problem, get up and walk.


Success Tip 2: Boost Your Learning

There have been several studies about the power of doodling to enhance focus and learning. A University of Plymouth study found that doodlers retain and recall 29% more than nondoodlers, specifically if the content is being delivered in a boring way. Another study found that students who doodle during class learned more than students who don’t. Psychologists have referred to doodling as an “anchoring task,” that helps to improve focus.


Have you experimented with either of these strategies? What are your success tips for enhancing creativity and learning? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation.





7 Valuable Essentials for a Successful Experience

Have you ever been disappointed by an experience you’ve had? If so, you’re not alone. Would you like to learn some ways to turn an unsuccessful experience into a successful one? One small change can make an enormous difference. I was curious about my colleagues’ ideas, so I reached out to this fabulous international group – Seana Turner, Nacho Eguiarte, Jill Robson, Diane Quintana, Ellen Delap, Janet Barclay, and Cris Sgrott-Wheedleton.

I asked them, “What is one essential ingredient needed to have a successful experience?”  Their responses are unique and inspiring. My deepest gratitude goes to each of them for sharing their wisdom with us.


What is one essential ingredient needed to have a successful experience? . . .



Life is rarely 100% predictable, so I believe the key to having a positive experience is flexibility. This doesn’t mean failing to make plans. Quite the opposite! Having a scaffold of structure in place allows me to nimbly respond to the unforeseen, to keep going when I hit a roadblock, and to enjoy (rather than dread) surprises. So often we are discouraged or disheartened by unexpected developments, but some of the best times I’ve ever had were when I showed up prepared, but also open to whatever the next step might be.”

Seana Turner – Professional Organizer, Blogger & Public Speaker



“No matter what recipe you’re making for dinner you’ll always need some salt. That would be a key ingredient. So the “salt" in having a successful experience for me is attitude. With a good attitude you can overcome every possible bad situation, and with a good attitude you can upgrade a good situation into a fabulous experience. No matter what, attitude is a must.” 

Nacho Equiarte – Professional Organizer, Architect, Grieving Counselor & Blogger



“How has the experience made you feel? Did you feel heard? I think most of us have a successful experience when we feel we have been listened to. How often do we need help or advice and we feel that the person is not really listening, just giving a stock answer? I know in my occupation, I have spoken with other organizers on how we communicate with our clients, and it is our listening skills that are just as important as our organizing skills.”

Jill Robson – Professional Organizer & Blogger



“One of the most important ingredients to having a successful experience is your attitude. Think about it this way, you’ve set your goal, you know the steps to take to achieve your goal, and you’ve decided that it’s going to be difficult to achieve. Your attitude is such that from the outset you’re predicting failure. So, your journey towards your goal will probably be beset with bumps in the road, which turn into mountains because you’ve doomed yourself from the start. However, if you switch the channel deciding that this goal is worthwhile and that you’re going to achieve it your attitude is positive. There may be bumps in the road but you will overcome them and the journey itself will be a positive learning experience.”

Diane Quintana, CPO®, CPO-CD® – Certified Professional Organizer, Author & Speaker



“A successful experience begins with a readiness for new perspectives. When a client begins our work together ready for change, it makes change happen. They are alert and aware of possibilities and reflect actively on this as well as during our session and after we conclude.  Success comes in baby steps with small changes they make as a result.”

Ellen Delap, CPO® – Professional Organizer & Productivity Consultant 



“To achieve success, I have to believe in myself and my ability to accomplish that which I’m trying to do. Reminding myself of similar challenges I’ve overcome in the past can be very helpful, so I file complimentary messages I receive in a special folder in my email program and re-read them whenever I need to boost my self-confidence.”

Janet Barclay, MVA – Web Designer, Blogger & Virtual Marketing Assistant



“I think any successful experience starts with a willingness to make a change and experience something new. I personally, never like to go through any change.  I am very resistant to doing things differently. It is part of my personality. However, I have learned over the years, that my personal growth and success can be directly attributed to making life transitions and embracing change. Now, I just acknowledge to myself that I don’t like to change, but I also acknowledge that there is a possibility that it will be good for me. I give it a try, and most of the time I embrace it, and it becomes habit. I recommend my clients to try small changes, one little one at the time.”

Cris Sgrott-Wheedleton, CPO®, CPO-CD® – Professional Organizer & Blogger 


Having a successful experience can feel illusive. With the wonderful concepts that my colleagues shared, you now have some new ways to approach your experiences. Whether you choose to adjust your attitude, be more flexible, or embrace the changes, a successful outcome is possible for you. For me, one ingredient that colors all others is my attitude. If I go forth with optimism and positivity, it flavors my experiences with exactly that. So even if the outcome differs from the plan, I can view it as a learning experience instead of a failure.

Which ideas resonate with you? What is one essential ingredient you need to have a successful experience? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Come join the conversation!