How to Lean into an Absolutely Imperfect Fresh Start
Artwork by Jean-Michel Basquiat from Luna Luna exhibit
What is it about the complications of a fresh start? You might put extra pressure on yourself regarding how to fully embrace, in a certain way, the clean slate that a new month or year offers.
Perhaps you’re waiting for all the planets to align so you can begin again in a particular, “perfect” way. Maybe you feel overwhelmed sorting through endless possibilities, have difficulty making decisions, or fear you won’t do things “correctly.”
Guess what? Perfect isn’t necessary. Instead, consider what becomes possible when you lean into an imperfect, fresh start.
Why Imperfection?
Oliver Burkeman, a bestselling author and columnist, publishes “The Imperfectionist,” a newsletter that explores “productivity, mortality, the power of limits, and building a meaningful life in an age of bewilderment.”
In last month’s newsletter, Burkeman described himself as “prone to overthinking, borne of a perfectionistic desire to do things right, or in the right order, or in the right way, which erects a barrier between an idea and its natural expression in present-moment action.”
The “Ultra-Simple” Approach
Burkeman went on to share a favorite productivity strategy. This technique helps bypass perfectionistic tendencies and encourages bold, imperfect action.
His instructions are:
“Get a lined notebook.
Write one task on the first line of a page.
Complete that task.
Draw a line through it.
Then write a new task on the next line – and repeat.
There’s no messing around here. You think about what to do, and then do it.”
“What action could you simply decide not to hinder today?”
Your Imperfect, Fresh Start
I love the “no messing around here” part. Instead of stressing, questioning, and delaying, the idea is to get out of your way and do something. Don’t make a big deal about the fresh start or allow perfectionism to derail you.
Go for it! Do one small thing, cross it off, and repeat.
Burkeman asks two inspiring questions:
“What’s something you could do, right away…merely by stepping gracefully out of the way, with all your usual overcomplicating nonsense, and letting action happen?”
“What action could you simply decide not to hinder today?”
How can you simplify your fresh start? What can you do right now? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.
How Can I Help?
Do you want support organizing, planning, or making the most of this new year? I’d love to help! Virtual organizing is an extraordinary path forward – A local feel with a global reach.
Please schedule a Discovery Call, email me at, or call 914-271-5673. Change is possible, especially with support.