Posts in Mindfulness
How Do Mindfulness and Focus Remarkably Appear in Your Life?
How Do Mindfulness and Focus Remarkably Appear in Your Life?

There is something so intoxicating about being present and mindful. Yet, it can also be quite elusive. Inner dialogue, activities, and people pulling us in other directions can create a frenzied, chaotic state. When we’re feeling this way, mindfulness is distant. I’ve discovered something in my daily mindfulness meditation practice that is helpful for me, which might benefit you too.

One of the principles of mindfulness practice is to focus your attention on something like breath, sensations, or sounds. This might seem simple to do, but what inevitably happens is that your mind will wander. One moment you are breathing in, breathing out, and noticing the breath. The next minute you’re creating and organizing to-do lists in your head. Oops.


What do you do? Without judgment, you mindfully notice that your focus shifted. Then you gently return back to the breath. No berating, no panic. You just calmly return to the object of your attention. It is in this practice of shifting attention, awareness, and return that we become more mindful. We strengthen these muscles, which can be used in other areas of our lives.

It is in the practice of shifting attention, awareness, and return that we become more mindful.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO

Recently, I spent time outside doing yard work and trimming shrubs. On this crisp fall day, it felt energizing working outdoors. As I cut and cleaned up debris, I focused only on what was before me. It was so enjoyable to move, hear the rustle of the leaves, the chirping of the birds, and the snip, snip sound of my cutters. I clipped, observed, assessed, and cut some more. I didn’t rush. 

It was satisfying to see the results. While there were many other things I could have been doing, I allowed myself this focused time of mindfulness, presence, and gratitude to work outside doing one cut, one shrub, one mindful action at a time.

Where does mindful attention show up for you? How do you handle distractions? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation!

How to Make a Wonderful Discovery in a Mindful Moment
How to Make a Wonderful Discovery in a Mindful Moment

It’s fairly common not to notice. We get used to the environment we live in and ignore problematic areas and situations. Our piles of clutter blend in with the walls and furniture. Searching for misplaced belongings is our norm. Mindfulness becomes a missing ingredient in our days.

Something surprising happened to me recently, and it made me think about this idea of what we notice or don’t. It was a gorgeous weekend day. I was outside happily trimming one of our shrubs. After about ten minutes, slightly below my eye level, I was surprised by an enormous bright green praying mantis perched quietly on a leafy branch. Being almost the same color as the shrub, she blended right in. I took her photo and continued trimming as she sat. I moved around several times to cut other sprigs and then returned to see if the praying mantis was still there. It always took me a few seconds to find her because she was so well camouflaged. Yet in the next moment, nestled in the greenery, she came into my view.


Let’s revisit the mindfulness idea. What do you notice? What things are invisible, even though they are right before you? One of the questions I ask clients during our first conversation is, “What prompted your call?”  While the exact reasons vary tremendously, there is one common thread. They reached a tipping point where they could no longer ignore their overwhelm, clutter, or disorganization. The blinders were off, and their challenges were fully visible.

For change to happen, we first need awareness.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO

For change to happen, we first need awareness. Without being mindful about our challenges, we are like that camouflaged praying mantis. We can’t change what we don't see. Noticing isn’t enough, though. We also need a desire and motivation to change. Even with seeing our challenges, desiring change, and feeling motivated, we might also need help. So if you are at that point of overwhelm, awareness, and readiness, but are feeling stuck, reach out for help from a trusted friend, family member, or professional organizer like me. 

What has become visible to you that had been hiding from your view? In what ways does mindfulness influence your daily experience? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

3 Reasons for Lack of Motivation and How to Get Motivated
3 Reasons for Lack of Motivation and How to Get Motivated

Have you ever experienced that intense, inner push that propels you towards your desired goal? Or perhaps, you’ve felt the opposite and lacked the energy and motivation to move forward. In Kendra Cherry’s article, What Is Motivation? she explains,

“Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. It is what causes you to act, whether it is getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge.

Motivation involves the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive forces that activate behavior. In everyday usage, the term ‘motivation’ is frequently used to describe why a person does something. It is the driving force behind human actions.”

There are many reasons why we become motivationally challenged, including fear of failure, comparison, and drudgery. In one of my most popular posts, 10 Most Common Motivation Challenges & Easy Solutions, I explore these and other ideas. Since motivation concerns is a topic many of us are currently struggling with, I decided to expand on the original post to give you some other relevant motivation challenges and solutions.


3 Reasons for Lack of Motivation and How to Get Motivated

1. “Fuzzy brain.”

With the hundreds of Zoom calls and conversations I’ve had in these past months, there have been countless times when someone connected feeling unmotivated to “fuzzy brain,” “brain fog,” “bunker brain,” or “COVID brain.” Lack of motivation is understandable since we live with intense uncertainty and stress caused by the pandemic and the current political, social, and economic climate. Neuroscientists Hilke Plassmann and Benjamin Kessler, describe this mentally fuzzy phenomenon. They explain that “the combination of impaired analytical thinking and heightened external sensitivity creates what can be called ‘Covid-19 brain’ – a fragile, frazzled state that keeps our thoughts simultaneously on edge and unfocused.”

Solution:  To heal the brain fog, Plassmann suggests using music to restore your equilibrium, regulate your emotions, and increase your focus. She also suggests engaging in mindfulness meditation, especially breathing focused practices, that regulate brain activity.



2. Emergency, emergency!

As if the pandemic isn’t enough, many of us are also experiencing life emergencies such as loss of loved ones, medical challenges, or loss of jobs, income, or housing. When these events happen, it’s hard enough. But when they occur in this extreme environment, it is even more likely your motivation will get disrupted. When your days are spent putting out the emergency fires, and there are underlying stress and anxiety because of the pandemic, there might not be much oomph remaining to expend energy on your goals.

Two weeks ago, my 91-year old mom, who has dementia, broke her hip. She ended up in the hospital, had surgery, and is now in rehab. As if that weren't enough, she had two additional emergencies and ER visits during this time. Talk about being on high alert! Let’s just say that while I have been doing my best to work on my goals and stay motivated, there were moments when I felt like I was walking through molasses, as in slow in going.  One of my weekly goals is writing my blog post. While I am motivated to write, with the mom stuff happening, it has been challenging to focus. So when I sat to write what was going to be a ten-point post, I gave myself some slack and reduced it to three.

When life’s emergencies occur in this extreme environment, it is even more likely your motivation will get disrupted.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®

Solution: Life emergencies are the time to be especially kind to you. Acknowledge how your high alert state is depleting your reserves. The crisis will eventually pass. Make sure that you increase your self-care with enough sleep, hydration, nutrition, and movement. Minimize your self-expectations. What can you let go of? Focus on what’s most important now. Reach out to your friends and family for support. As your emergency passes, you will have more energy and motivation to work on your goals.



3. Can’t take the heat.

Yes. I know it is summer. And with this season comes hot weather. I don’t know about you, but it’s harder for me to activate when it’s hot. I remember the many summer vacations spent with our daughters in The Outer Banks. It was sweltering in North Carolina. The heat was tolerable when we were at the beach or in the air conditioning. However, when we explored the local towns, it felt like we were walking in an oven. Our energy and motivation to do anything were compromised. It seemed like a significant achievement just to choose and eat an ice cream cone. Even though New York (where I live) isn’t North Carolina hot, the temperature can still affect my motivation. Are you climate-sensitive?

Solution:  If you are affected by the warm weather, notice and acknowledge that. Consider some workarounds that will help increase your motivation. Things as simple as changing your clothing to lighter fabrics and colors, adding a fan to your workspace, or taking your brisk walk in the early morning or late evening, can help. Remember to hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate some more. Plan projects like garage or attic organizing for the colder weather. 


Take a moment to recognize that motivation can wane. It doesn’t mean it will be gone forever. It does mean you might need to experiment and make a few adjustments in behavior or perspective to nurture its return. What motivation challenges are you experiencing? What helps you get motivated when you are struggling? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation!

One Powerful Strategy for When You Can't Get Motivated
Powerful Strategy for When You Can’t Get Motivated

Have you noticed that sometimes motivation feels effortless, and in other instances, it seems impossible to get going? Often our motivation, or lack thereof, depends on the circumstance, the day, timing, or what you’re pursuing.  You might find it easy to edit and organize a drawer full of t-shirts, yet challenging to go through the piles of paper on your desk. As an organizer, while I often cheer on my clients to assist them when they get stuck, motivation is very much an inside job. By accident, I discovered a helpful strategy that is especially useful when you’re having trouble with self-motivation.

At the start of every morning, I practice mindfulness meditation. I use the Insight Timer app, where I experiment with different teachers and types of guided meditation. Often the practices I work with are breath-focused, but they can also include a focus that shifts from the breath to the body, to sounds, sensations, or thoughts. During meditation, it’s common for the mind to wander. If I’m focusing on a particular awareness, my mind can drift elsewhere. The practice is to gently bring my attention back to the focus of awareness without judgment. Return to the breath or the sounds, or the sensations in the body.

my big ah-ha

We notice what we focus on at the exclusion of all else. So when your attention is on your breath, you are only aware of the breath. When your attention is on the sounds around you, the breath focus disappears. How does this relate to motivation?


We notice what we focus on at the exclusion of all else.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®

Consider this. When you’re struggling to get motivated, what are you paying attention to? Are you thinking about how hard it’s going to be to get “x” done? Are you thinking that you don’t feel like doing “x?” Are you concerned that you don’t want to fail, or don’t have the information you need to move ahead? The negative and unhelpful messages you’re focusing on are sabotaging your motivation. 

What if instead of when you lacked motivation, you shifted your attention? What would serve you better? Instead of focusing on how hard something is going to be to get done, what if you thought about the smallest next step? If instead of dwelling on your don’t-feel-like-doing-it ideas, you pondered how great it will feel when you begin?

The next time you are struggling with getting motivated, listen to what your mind is saying. How can you shift your awareness to focus on productive, supportive thoughts? Do you think this strategy will work for you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation!