Photo by Allison Samuels
Taking that next step, trying something new and moving forward without certainty can be scary. Fear blocks our thinking. When we walk down the fear path, making excuses and creating reasons not to take action can consume our thoughts. These negative thoughts can overwhelm us to the point of inaction.
What if you allowed yourself to acknowledge your fear? It’s a normal part of our human experience. What if you then embraced the joy in pushing ahead despite your fear? What would be possible for you?
We have the opportunity to alter our perspective. Instead of thinking about all the reasons why we might fail, we can choose to focus on experiencing a positive outcome.
The next time you are avoiding organizing the junk drawer, sorting through a pile of desk papers or reclaiming the kitchen table, think about the joy and satisfaction in both the process of moving ahead and the result of your efforts to do so.
I recently completed a seven-week coaching skills course for organizers. The learning was fabulous and challenging. Right from the start, we were asked to step outside our comfort zone and practice our coaching skills. I worried about not doing it right. I worried about it being awkward. Since the point was to learn, I knew I had to work through my fears. I learned as much from what went well as from what didn’t. I loved learning these new skills.
How will joy fit into your next step?