Joy in "Next"
Photo by Allison Samuels

Photo by Allison Samuels

Taking that next step, trying something new and moving forward without certainty can be scary. Fear blocks our thinking. When we walk down the fear path, making excuses and creating reasons not to take action can consume our thoughts. These negative thoughts can overwhelm us to the point of inaction.

What if you allowed yourself to acknowledge your fear? It’s a normal part of our human experience. What if you then embraced the joy in pushing ahead despite your fear? What would be possible for you?

We have the opportunity to alter our perspective. Instead of thinking about all the reasons why we might fail, we can choose to focus on experiencing a positive outcome.

The next time you are avoiding organizing the junk drawer, sorting through a pile of desk papers or reclaiming the kitchen table, think about the joy and satisfaction in both the process of moving ahead and the result of your efforts to do so.

I recently completed a seven-week coaching skills course for organizers. The learning was fabulous and challenging. Right from the start, we were asked to step outside our comfort zone and practice our coaching skills. I worried about not doing it right. I worried about it being awkward. Since the point was to learn, I knew I had to work through my fears. I learned as much from what went well as from what didn’t. I loved learning these new skills.

How will joy fit into your next step?

Overwhelmed? Return to Basics

This morning came with a great reminder. Like most mornings, I woke to the sound of my alarm telling me it was time to start my day. It was dark, gray and rainy. The pouring rain was making soothing percussive sounds on our roof. The bed felt particularly warm and cozy. I remembered that since my first appointment wasn’t so early I had the option to sleep just a little bit longer. So I did.

These extra minutes of sleep and enjoyment of hearing the rain made me reflect that sometimes it’s important to allow our next step to be getting back to basics like sleeping, eating healthfully, exercising, breathing deeply or being grateful. Our busy schedules and long to do lists can easily overwhelm us. Being overwhelmed often translates into inaction. It seems like there is so much to do, we feel defeated before we begin. We then do nothing, creating a more intense state of overwhelm. How do we break this unhealthy cycle?

This is where those basics come in. There will always be a next “something” to do. That’s life. When however, it feels like too much, perhaps your best next step is one that involves taking care of you. It will give you the energy and mental clarity to move forward. So whether it's five more minutes of sleep, eating a good breakfast, getting a massage or taking a long walk, find something that will renew you.

I’d love to hear what you’re thinking about. Are you in need of some self-care? What will you do next to take care of yourself?

What Propels You Forward?

When thinking about next steps, it occurred to me that a key ingredient to moving ahead involves letting go. “Next” can mean taking an action or changing our thoughts. Either way, that involves the willingness and ability to move beyond or possibly release what came before.

Another aspect of taking that next step involves growth. The transition between winter’s end and spring’s beginning underscores this idea. It’s been quite the winter with many snowstorms. The mounds of snow slowly melted as the rain and warmth appeared. The dark brown earth is now visible with bits of green starting to arrive. As I walked outside this morning, the air smelled sweet.

Those first few months of the year, I took time to think about setting goals, starting over and embracing the change that I desired. These ideas were set into motion and matched with specific actions and next steps. Some of those included beginning a coaching skills class, working on a logo and website redesign, refining my social media marketing, attending several conferences and making more time to play and see friends.

In taking my next steps, I was willing to let go of fear, of the familiar and of my comfort zone.  Moving ahead doesn’t mean that a single action is the end. On the contrary, accomplishing any goal involves many individual steps done one after the next.  I’m in the midst of the journey. I’m evolving and growing like the blooms of spring. The plans are in place and the actions are in motion. The movement is forward. I am filled with feelings of hope that spring always brings.

What is next for you? What is propelling you forward?

What's Your Next Step?

During the past few winter months, I’ve written about fresh starts and embracing change. Today is the first day of a new month, and my focus shifts to the next steps. I write more about this topic in chapter three of my book, The Other Side of Organized. Recently, I had a funny conversation with my husband that relates to the next step theme.

Steve was in the kitchen having a snack. I was working on my computer. He called out to me and asked, “These honeys don’t have to be out here, do they?” Something about trying to decipher what he was referring to and the way he phrased it made me go into a tears-rolling-down-the-cheeks fit of laughter.

The Takeaway

Here is my takeaway. The “honeys” he was referring to was not him, because I call him Honey, but the two jars of honey that had been sitting on our kitchen counter since December when our girls were home from their college breaks. The honey is normally stored in the pantry. As our girls enjoy putting honey in their tea, the jars were left out as a convenience for them. On this particular evening, Steve looked at those jars and thought, “Why are they still here?” After identifying the issue (the girls were no longer home. Therefore, we didn’t need to keep the jars out), he took the next step and returned the honey back to the pantry.

These honeys don’t have to be out here, do they?
— Steve Samuels

Your Next Step

That’s what the next steps are often about. We can easily go through our lives not thinking about what our goal or the bigger picture is about. Therefore, we don’t know what action to take because we aren’t thinking about making changes. Things end up in places they don't belong, or we continue habits that don't really serve us. We get complacent and stop questioning. However, once we give ourselves the space to become aware, these actions or next steps become very clear. The honey jars no longer served a purpose by being on the counter. What unnecessary thing is getting in the way of your bigger picture or goal?

As you try to figure out what to do next, perhaps Steve’s question will not only bring a smile to your face but also prompt you to question and act. “These honeys don’t have to be out here, do they?”

What next step will bring you closer to your goal? I invite you to join in the conversation and share your thoughts.