How to Quickly Create Your Vision Right Now for a Powerful Fresh Start
There are numerous sources you can use to create a vision for your New Year. Several weeks ago, I wrote about five ways to make the most of your fresh start. One idea was to select a Word of the Year, providing you with an overarching theme to bring clarity and focus to your year. Some 2022 word choices from my friends and colleagues include intentional, shine, slower, purpose, alignment, determination, consistency, integrity, growth, present, soar, and focus. Have you selected a 2022 word? My 2022 word is flourishing.
Choosing one word can be helpful, along with other possibilities. This past week, I had the opportunity to experiment with compiling one simple visual, a vision board, which incorporated all of my ideas onto a single page. I accomplished this by having some uninterrupted time and writing in my journal. I also participated in an evening retreat led by my friend and life coach Yota Schneider and a vision board creating session led by Executive Mom Nest founder Marcy Stout.
I hope you discover something in my process that will be helpful for you.
3 Quick Ways to Create Your Vision for a Powerful Fresh Start
1. Ponder/Wander Time
When we think about creating a vision, plans, or goals, the keyword is ‘think.’ It’s essential to secure some quiet, undisturbed time for your mind to settle enough to feel and hear your heart and thoughts. I use meditation, yoga, walking, and showering as ways to calm my body and mind. In a relaxed state, my ideas flow. Even if I’m not ready to write or discuss them, ponderings begin percolating.
During Yota’s The Way Ahead retreat, I meditated, wrote, and discussed. When our evening together ended, I left with the confidence to take the time and space to create my path forward. Calm, patience, and curiosity will guide me.
2. Journaling Time
Throughout the year, I write in my personal and meditation journals. The meditation journal has daily entries, is typically about my thoughts on the meditations, and sometimes includes life challenges, successes, or discoveries. Writing in my personal journal is less frequent, but the entries are more extensive. They capture significant happenings, feelings, and thoughts throughout my year.
To prepare more thoroughly for 2022, I will reread my 2021 journal entries. I’ll be on the hunt for lessons and ah-has that will help me make sense of this past year and identify ideas I might want to work on or bring forward for this current year.
“The quiet focus of other people working was magical.”
3. Vision Board Time
I’ve never been a vision board maker, which is sort of funny, being how visually oriented I am. However, this year, I was encouraged to make one during an Executive Mom Nest meeting. We had a choice of going to one of three Zoom breakout rooms. I selected the “Shhhh” room to work on our vision boards while everyone was muted.
What a productive 45-minutes! I had no expectations but came prepared with some blank paper, markers, highlighter pens, my personal journal, and an idea to somehow capture the essence of what I envisioned for 2022.
The quiet focus of other people working was magical. I kicked into hyper-focus mode and created a vision board, which included the following elements:
The year
My word of the year and a definition
My intention/guiding principle for the year
Lessons/discoveries/ah-has from 2021 – I didn’t list the actual discoveries. Instead, I wrote down the sources I wanted to review and created a second page to capture the information.
Three significant areas I want to focus on (Well-Being, Relationships, Professional) along with goals for each area
While I still need to do my 2021 deep dive, with this vision board in view, I feel clear about my big picture and confident with the changes I’ve already set into motion. Instead of feeling confused, I feel excited and motivated to reflect and plan.
Have you created a vision board? What was your experience like? How did it influence your year? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.
If you’re feeling stuck with creating your vision for the New Year, I’m here to help. Let’s schedule a virtual organizing session to make your 2022 the best year ever. Email or call me at or 914-271-5673.