Posts tagged walking
3 Ways to Take a Slow Exhale & Refocus Energy for a New Fresh Start

Are you feeling exhausted after meeting a deadline or finishing a project? While hyper-drive may be necessary to reach completion, downshifting is essential afterward.

Over the past month, I worked hard on the chapter I wrote for the new ICD (Institute for Challenging Disorganization) book to meet their short, time-sensitive deadline. I am excited to have written the chapter on client support and look forward to sharing more once it is published later this year.

How does this relate to fresh starts? The writing deadline straddled the end of one year and the beginning of another. The time I typically take to wrap things up and reimagine what’s next was allocated to the book project. Instead of slowing down as the year closed, things sped up and kept going until earlier this week when I submitted my draft.

Completing the deadline helped reaffirm the necessity of taking a moment to breathe. This slow exhalation is the break I need to refocus my energy and plan what comes next. I identified several elements that I hope you’ll find helpful the next time you are about to switch gears.



3 Ways to Exhale & Refocus Your Energy

1. Reflect

Doing a post-deadline debrief, thinking about how I approached the book project and what I learned, was valuable and affirming.

These are some reflections:

  • Clarified the chapter’s content and description with the committee

  • Made time estimates for how long it would take to write the chapter

  • Scheduled writing blocks on my calendar

  • Said “no” to things that would distract from my objectives

  • Remained flexible with scheduling and idea development

  • Developed an outline of topics to cover

  • Made a plan for how to approach the various sections

  • Hired an accountability partner (thank you, Lana) to keep me on track

  • Set weekly goals

  • Logged hours and other metrics

  • Journaled

Another aspect I noticed was how my weekly blog writing routine prepared me for this project. My well-established writing tools and rituals made writing easier during the scheduled “ICD Book Project” writing blocks. When things didn’t go well during a particular block, I wasn’t discouraged, as I knew it was a normal part of the writing. I had built up resiliency through experiencing similar ups and downs with blogging.

Hiring an accountability partner was incredibly beneficial for the book project, especially because of the tight deadline. It was also fascinating to experience and fully appreciate the benefits from the “lived” perspective. While I have received a lot of positive feedback from my clients, I better understand why they say having me as their accountability partner is helpful. I get it.



2. Sense

I just finished reading a wonderful book How to Winter, by Kari Leibowitz, PhD. I highly recommend it, especially if you’re interested in the far-reaching benefits of developing a “positive wintertime mindset.”

One of the things that she wrote about was how to develop an awareness of those things you love about winter, like:

  • the “fresh” smell of the air that slow-moving molecules create

  • the cozy warmth of being around a firepit

  • the delight of sipping hot cocoa with marshmallows or

  • the happy sensation of curling up with a warm blanket and book

While I engage regularly with my senses, I noticed how they were heightened during this transition time because I was reading Leibowitz’s book. When I was outside, instead of thinking about how cold I was, I breathed in the crisp air and appreciated the cyclical nature of the dormant, bare trees. Instead of feeling guilty for wanting to go to bed earlier, I recognized the value of rest and delighted in the visceral calming effects of my bedtime rituals.

Appreciating and sensing is a gentle way to experience presence and gratitude for what is here now. Lingering in this presence through my senses removes concern about what will be next and helps replenish my energy.

Of all things, as if on cue, the snow just started falling. At first, the flakes were sparse and descended slowly. Then, the flow and pace increased as the sky and landscape turned white. We’re expecting five to seven inches of snow over the following hours. I’m so excited! Perhaps there will be some hot cocoa in my future. A white covering will soon transform everything. Talk about a clean slate! It’s the perfect visual to encourage a fresh start.


While hyper-drive may be necessary to reach completion, downshifting is essential afterward.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

3. Nourish

Engaging in nourishing activities that support your well-being is another way to slow down and refocus your energy. When you have exerted a lot of effort, balancing it with restorative practices is vital.

My supportive activities include meditation, yoga, walking, and journaling. There are others, too, like exploring new places, seeing friends and family, watching movies, eating healthfully, or getting enough sleep.

And then there’s soup—yes, soup! Making and eating soup is a thoroughly enriching activity for me. I love washing and chopping ingredients, adding them to the big pot, and creating a delicious meal with a few simple, fresh items.

After hours of simmering, my husband and I will share this hot meal as we look out the dining room window into the chilly night, watching the snow gently fall. Maybe we’ll even eat by candlelight. If that’s not cozy and nourishing, I don’t know what is.

What helps you slow down and restore energy? How can taking a restorative break energize your fresh start? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.



How Can I Help?

Do you want support organizing, planning, or restoring energy? I’d love to help! Virtual organizing is an extraordinary path forward – A local feel with a global reach.

Please schedule a Discovery Call, email me at, or call 914-271-5673. Change is possible, especially with support.

When Your Fresh Start Begins with One Small, Courageous Step

It takes courage to move forward when you’re overwhelmed, unsure of where you’re headed, or confused about what to do next. However, as you bravely take that one tiny action in the face of uncertainty, this will propel your fresh start.

The beginning feels murky at best when you’re stuck and not moving anywhere. With movement, what is unknown quickly becomes visible. Amazingly, one step encourages more because it builds momentum.


Getting Unstuck

I discovered this beautiful John Muir quote. He said, “And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.” This brings forth many ideas. Taking a walk “into the forest” or anywhere offers an opportunity. Walking is movement in action. The physicality of motion goes beyond the benefits your body experiences. As arms swing, feet advance, and the breath deepens, you are filled with aliveness and energy. This movement encourages possibilities and a “can do” attitude.

If your walk happens to be in nature, there are additional benefits that surrounding yourself in a green environment brings. It can

  • Reduce stress

  • Boost mood

  • Enhance creativity

  • Increase concentration

  • Improve sleep

Walking can get you unstuck. There is such significance in taking that first step and then another.


Letting Go

The next part of Muir’s phrase, “to lose my mind and find my soul,” illustrates other ideas. I connect losing “my mind” to letting go. Instead of focusing on negative, unhelpful thoughts or holding onto things and ideas that no longer serve you, release them. Be present.

Connect with something deeper within, your “soul.” Find the courage to let things unfold. See the wonder in what is here now.

I arranged a surprise birthday weekend for my husband a few weeks ago. What was the surprise? Our kiddos and their partners came home to celebrate and share several beautiful days together. One of the things we did was walk down our block, through the woods, and to the Croton River. I love walking, and doing this with my family made me happy!

Feeling supported in my hiking shoes, I noticed each step as my feet connected with the ground. Walking helped me release the to-dos and projects occupying real estate in my mind. I had several upcoming project deadlines that I was thinking about. I knew the work could wait. I was thrilled to have everyone home and have time with the crew. A thought adjustment was needed.

To do this, I focused on the sounds of my loved ones’ sweet voices. I watched them energetically walk as they meandered into different pairs and groupings. I felt their loving presence as we held hands and connected. Into the forest we went- walking, talking, laughing, listening, photographing, and watching.


It takes courage to move forward when you’re overwhelmed.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

Small Step

Choose your next tiny step to get you unstuck. Will you move your body to create momentum? Will you talk with a trusted friend or loved one to download your thoughts? Will you take one small step on your big project to bridge the gap between planning and action? What tiny, courageous step will you make to set your fresh start in motion?

If you feel stuck and overwhelmed or find it challenging to determine your next step, I’d love to help. Please email me at, call 914-271-5673, or click here to schedule a Discovery Call. Let’s work together so things can flow.

How to Embrace Now Fantastic Fall Inspired Possibilities and Changes

It was a colorful week in many ways. It’s fall, and the leaf-peeping opportunities in the Hudson Valley are spectacular! This week, extra time was spent outdoors walking, photographing, and driving in search of exhilarating views.

The week was not only visually breathtaking, but it was exciting too. I hosted my first online workshop, How to Conquer Clutter. A wonderful group of participants attended from around the country. Their desire to better understand their clutter challenges, make changes and see new possibilities was inspiring. How comforting to know we are not alone in our challenges and the changes we seek.

One of the walks I took this weekend was with my husband, Steve. We ventured over the Croton Dam and around the reservoir, searching for fall’s magic. At one point, we rounded the bend and spotted a brilliant burst of yellow foliage touching the medium-blue sky, which reflected onto the water below. The brightness, surrounded by deep shadows, made the colors incredibly vivid.


This memorable moment connected several ideas. How often do you feel stuck in the shadow? You sense something is possible or around the bend. Yet, you are unsure what it is or means. Slowly from the dark, a new vibrant path appears. You feel energized and positive. Possibilities are within reach as you emerge from the shadow towards the light. Poet and philosopher Yung Pueblo said, “…the river of life wants to move you toward embracing change.”

In the days following the workshop, I sensed a door opening for me. That entry had been sticky and challenging to move through. However, the opening felt spacious after pursuing and reaching my goal of developing and hosting a workshop. I imagined new possibilities and ways to help others. Inspiration filled my cup with the colorful autumn landscapes and the energy received from experimenting with something new.

…the river of life wants to move you toward embracing change.
— Yung Pueblo

What are you noticing right now? Which changes will you decide to pursue? What possibilities are here for you in this new season? I’d love to hear your thoughts and invite you to join the conversation.

Is It Now Recommended to Simultaneously Prioritize Joy and Declutter?

Many of my virtual organizing clients are overwhelmed by clutter, so they reach out for help. One of the common threads is the sense they need to postpone all fun and joy until they completely declutter. In truth, it’s challenging to work intensely without taking a break or replenishing your reserves. Having joy-infused counterbalances to organizing can bring renewed energy and focus.

Earlier this week, I had an Executive Mom Nest meeting where we talked about ways to prioritize joy. Transformational Coach Advisor Leesa Askew gave us a writing exercise to list 20 things that bring us joy. They didn’t have to be big things. Our lists mainly focused on simple stuff. Some of mine included:

  • Taking that first sip of coffee in the morning 

  • Walking in nature

  • Walking with a friend

  • Writing in my journal

  • Being at the beach

  • Sitting in the sun

  • Taking photos

  • Talking with our kids

  • Smelling the lilacs

At the end of the meeting, we were encouraged to select one item from our joy list and commit to doing it that day. I knew right away which one to choose- smelling the lilacs! As their blooming season is short, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to take in their intoxicating scent.

While running errands, I had driven past this gorgeous blooming bush of lilacs several times. I thought, “Linda, stop the car, get out, and smell them.”  However, in the interest of getting things done, I kept driving. Or, I chose to postpone this simple moment of joy to do other things. Does that sound familiar? Have you ever decided not to have fun or lean into a special moment because you were preoccupied with something else?

After the prioritizing joy conversation, I made an intentional trip to the lilacs. When I arrived, I parked my car and walked down the block. I leaned over, placed my nose close to the lavender flowers, took a deep breath, and let the fragrance flood my senses. It was a happy moment.

Prioritizing joy and decluttering aren’t mutually exclusive.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVPO

For you, joy might come in other forms. Instead of nature, lilacs, and sun, you might prefer a coffee date with a friend, curling up with a good book, or eating by candlelight. The possibilities abound. You can simultaneously prioritize decluttering, organizing, or any large project and engage in joyous moments. Prioritizing joy and decluttering aren’t mutually exclusive. In fact, prioritizing regular encounters with delight will help you approach the challenging parts of your day with clarity and perspective.

Do you postpone fun and joy when you’re feeling overwhelmed by clutter? What brings you joy? What overwhelms you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.