Posts tagged emergency
How to Gracefully Let Go When the Universe Sends You a Clear Message

Do you ever feel like the universe sends you a message you need to hear? It happened to me this week. Interestingly, what I received related to the letting go theme I’m writing about this month.

You might have read about last week’s letting go mishap when I accidentally deleted my entire email inbox. I recovered, only to be challenged by another ‘adventure’ this week. It’s a doozy! Clearly, the universe thinks I need more letting go practice.

Midweek, I woke up with 500+ other neighbors to the surprise of no Internet or phone due to “cut fibers.” Our service provider assured me it would be fixed within 24 hours, which seemed reasonable. However, I was on a deadline. I was putting the finishing touches on a Zoom workshop being presented the following day. While I had no choice in the technology glitch (it happened and was being worked on,) I did have a choice in how I responded.

There was some initial panic, where I engaged in numerous “what if?” scenarios.

  • What if it’s not fixed in time and I can’t present my workshop?

  • What if I can’t access the information I need to compile my notes?

  • What if the calm day I planned is turned upside down?

  • What if…?

After the panic, technology assessment, and the realization that I could do nothing at that moment, I started letting go. I talked calmly to myself so I could switch gears and put my energy toward completing my workshop notes. I couldn’t afford to have my attitude sabotage the day. Instead, I focused on what I could work on. I let go of what I had no control over, did some creative problem-solving, and stopped the worry-stress-negative self-talk-loop.

I went to Starbucks in the afternoon for Internet access and a much-needed coffee break. I checked a few resources for my notes and caught up on email. I sat by the river and walked down the block to smell the fragrant lilacs. These actions kept me calm and focused.

Let go of what you have no control over.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

By the evening, I finished my workshop notes and made alternate plans for presenting if I had no Internet the next day. I also realized how much more I accomplished without interruptions or distractions from the Internet, social media, and the phone.

Are you curious about what happened? When I woke the next day, the Internet and phones were restored. I gave my workshop, which went well, with good attendance and participation. Can you hear my giant exhale?

Life is full of surprises and curve balls. You can’t anticipate when they’ll arrive or what they’ll be. But as always, you do have a choice in how to respond. You can get stuck and paralyzed by the emergency or let go to allow focus, resilience, creativity, and growth to thrive.

How does letting go show up in your life? I’d love to hear your stories and thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.

3 Strong Connections Between 'Spring Forward' and Next That Will Help You
3 Strong Connections Between ‘Spring Forward’ and Next That Will Help You

This past weekend we time maneuvered and set our clocks ahead. It was the annual ‘spring forward’ in preparation for next. I know there are reasons to change our clocks ahead in the spring and back in the fall. While I’ve been diligently implementing this switch for decades, I still experience some confusion and discomfort. For example, some of our clocks, such as our digital devices, automatically change time. While other ones like our alarm and analog wall clocks have to be manually altered. My husband is great about changing our many clocks. Thank you, Steve! I’m responsible for only a few, such as my watch and car.

Our ‘spring forward’ time-changing ritual made me reflect on the connections it has with next



3 Strong Connections Between ‘Spring Forward’ and Next That Will Help You

1. Mindfulness

When the clocks changed, a shift in the daylight did too. With the sun rising earlier and setting later, there was an extended period of light during the waking hours. The increase in sunlight positively affected my mood. With the brighter sun and warmer day, it beckoned me to go outside to walk, notice, feel, and sense. Time and light change also signaled a definite shift. Next had arrived. Something was altered. I felt a nudge to open my attention to the arrival of the new season. What are you noticing?


2. Flexibility

In the same way, that time appears fluid with the bi-annual adjustments we make, I recognized the value of flexibility during a recent emergency. My mom, who has vascular dementia, ended up in the ER last week. Without getting into great detail, I will share that the moment-to-moment situation kept changing. Even as I write this post, there is uncertainty. Having a plan, but being flexible, has been helpful for me emotionally. I know that so much is out of my control, but there are some aspects I can act on. I think of this the same as time. I have no control over what time it is, but I can move the crown on my watch to set the time. In this same way, I move to next with patience, compassion, love, and flexibility as I navigate the mom situation.


3. Gratitude

Time is constant. The sun rises and sets each day as the hands of the clock touch the hours. In these days of chaos and uncertainty, there is comfort in knowing the pattern of time. From this base of consistency and knowing, gratitude flows forward. There is so much to be grateful for. There is the comfort of connecting with friends, family, and community, the smell of spring arriving, the feeling of the warm sun on my skin, noticing the snowdrop flowers emerge from the dirt and hearing the words, “I love you,” softly said by my mom. Time moves on with the tick of the clock. Don’t rush the moments of beauty. Savor and hold them close.


What has ‘spring forward’ sparked for you? Do you see a connection with the time changing and next? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to leave a comment and join our conversation.