Posts tagged imagine
What If Your Next Step Developed a New Habit to Hopefully Transform Your Life?

Are there times when figuring out your next step is challenging? Maybe you need more information, fear making mistakes, or feel overwhelmed with decision-making.

If the next step is a one-and-done task, it can seem more manageable. However, the next step can feel elusive and unclear when working on a long-term project or making a significant life change.

There are many ways to approach finding next, which I’ve written a lot about. Some of these ideas to get unstuck and determine what’s next included:

Recently, I discovered an inspired question, which approaches next in a refreshing way.



Making Next Transformational

In James Clear’s “3-2-1 Thursday” newsletter, he posed this thought-provoking question:

“What single habit if implemented consistently for the rest of this year, would transform your life the most?”

I love this question for three reasons:

Reason 1. The query focuses your attention to developing just one new habit. Most of us tend to take on too much at once, making it difficult to make progress on anything.

Reason 2. The question encourages you to consider which habit change would have the most impact. You are investing your time in doing something different. Selecting the habit that will be most transformative will give you the most for your efforts.

Reason 3. The ask supports consistent, small efforts that will result in monumental, positive change over a specific, doable time frame, “rest of this year.”

“What single habit if implemented consistently for the rest of this year, would transform your life the most?”
— James Clear

What Will You Invite In?

Let’s remember and imagine.

Remember - Think about a time you successfully developed a new habit. What did you learn from that experience? Is it a habit you still engage in? What positive affect resulted?

Imagine - Future think to the end of this year. What positive change happened as a result of your consistent habit? Which area of your life did it affect? Was it related to your relationships, finances, health, work, home, personal development, or another category?

As you consider what new habit to adopt, remember that your future self will thank you.

One Significant Habit Change

I’ve changed many habits in my life, including my reading habits. I love reading and typically do so at night before bed. However, that’s also when I’m most tired. When I’m sleepy, I read more slowly, read fewer pages because I drift off, and don’t retain the material as well.

One morning, after meditating, I changed things up and read before getting out of bed. I was motivated to finish the book, which I had almost completed the night before. Reading while fully awake was such an uplifting experience that I integrated this new habit into my morning routine.

It’s been amazing! Not only am I enjoying and assimilating what I’m reading even more, but I’m also reading twice as many books. This habit supports my thirst for learning and understanding, which I highly value.

What area of your life would you like to change? What new habit can enhance your life? What will be next for you? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I invite you to join the conversation.



How Can I Help?

Do you want support organizing, developing new habits, or figuring out your next step? I’d love to help! Virtual organizing is an extraordinary path forward – local feel with a global reach.

Please schedule a Discovery Call, email me at, or call 914-271-5673. Change is possible, especially with support.

Here Are Today's Most Interesting and Best Possibility Discoveries - v47

This is the newest release (v47) of the “What’s Interesting?” feature, with my latest finds that inform, educate, and relate to organizing and life balance. These unique, inspiring possibility discoveries reflect this month’s blog theme.

You are an engaged, vibrant, and generous group. I am deeply grateful for your ongoing presence, positive energy, and contributions to this community. I look forward to your participation and additions to the collection I’ve sourced.

What do you find interesting?


Consistent action will create the possibilities you desire.
— Linda Samuels, CPO-CD®, CVOP™

What’s Interesting? – 5 Best Possibilities Discoveries

1. Interesting Workshop – Decluttering Possibilities

Are you overwhelmed by clutter? If so, you’re not alone. One in four people have clutter challenges, which can affect anxiety levels, relationships, and ability to focus. What would be possible if you had a path forward?

I’m thrilled to offer this popular one-hour live Zoom workshop, How to Conquer Clutter, on October 17th from 7:00-8:00 pm Eastern. Discover where clutter comes from, why it’s so hard to let go, and what you can do about it.

You’ll come away with manageable clutter-reducing strategies, energizing possibilities, and powerful insights. Reserve your spot today!



2. Interesting Read – Completing Possibilities

Are you a great starter yet have difficulty finishing? You get 95% done and then feel challenged completing that last 5%.

Finish – Give Yourself the Art of Done by best-selling author and speaker Jon Acuff says he used to think people’s biggest challenge was the fear of getting started. While he recognizes that the “beginning is significant,” the “finish” matters more.

Through workshops and research, Acuff discovered that “what it takes to really finish are so counterintuitive that most of them will feel like shortcuts.” He said the “less that people aimed for perfect, the more productive they became.”

Working harder isn’t the answer. Embracing and becoming tolerant of imperfection is a “key factor in turning chronic starters into consistent finishers. Chronic starters quit the day after perfect.”

Finish is filled with valuable reframes and strategies. For example, you might think the opposite of perfectionism is failure. Acuff suggests, “It’s not. The opposite is finished.”

Does completion seem more possible now?



3. Interesting Resource – Selling Possibilities

Do you have digital devices like cell phones, computers, CDs, DVDs, games, and other tech equipment you no longer want? Do you need help disposing of them responsibly and efficiently? A possibility is here!

Decluttr is an excellent resource for helping you recycle and make some cash. Decluttr will buy your old devices and tech items that are broken or in working condition. They make it easy with this three-step process:

  • Sell It – Get an instant price for your tech.

  • Send It – Send your stuff for free.

  • Spend It – Get paid by direct deposit or PayPal.

In addition to buying tech items, Decluttr also buys and recycles college, school, textbooks, and children’s books.



4. Interesting Product – Focusing Possibilities

I love getting things done as much as the next person. However, what happens when you have so much to do that you feel overwhelmed and stuck? One possibility is to reduce the scope.

Using this cute “Today’s Top Three” mini list from Noted by Post-It®, you can narrow your focus to only three items. What? Just three, you say? Yes! Rein it in. Pick three doable tasks you can make progress on today.

You'll feel confident in what is possible when you take small actions and experience progress. Which will be your top three for today?




5. Interesting Thought – Imagining Possibilities

If things are the want you want them to be, that’s OK. Each day presents an opportunity to imagine, dream, and engage in what’s possible.

While thinking is essential to moving forward, it’s only the beginning. Thought plus action equals progress. Consistent action will create the possibilities you desire.

Let today be the start of what’s possible.


Can you share one possibility-related discovery? Which of these resonates with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts and invite you to join the conversation.

Do you want help getting unstuck, reducing overwhelm, getting organized, and focusing on possibilities? If so, I’m here for you. Contact me, Linda, at, call 914-271-5673, or schedule a Discovery Call. Progress is possible, especially with support.

What's Achievable When You See Life as a Petri Dish of Astonishing Possibilities?

On my recent walks this week, I noticed more leaves changing colors. The luminous sun embraced the intensely colored foliage and highlighted the shifts in the fall palette. Frequently, I paused to fully appreciate the beauty. I saw the brilliant warm reds, oranges, and yellows juxtaposed with the cooler greens. I felt the gentle, refreshing breeze on my face as I heard the rustling of the leaves above. During the later part of the holiday season, a commonly overheard phrase is “winter wonderland.” Today feels like a fall fantasy ripe with possibilities. Are you feeling motivated? Are you sensing a change? What is possible?

I look forward to the intimate monthly virtual gatherings led by my wonderful friend and incredible Life Coach, Yota Schneider. At the retreat, we meditate, journal, and share our thoughts. She selects a theme each time, and this month was The Season of Change. During the gathering, she told us about Chris Bianco, an “inspiring pizza man from the Bronx,” and his philosophy on life. He sees life as a “petri dish of possibilities.” What a concept and approach to living!

While we typically think of a petri dish in a scientific context where microorganism cultures are developed in a small shallow container, there is another definition. Something that fosters development or innovation can be a petri dish too. A petri dish of possibilities supports a growth mindset. You’re not a stuck, fixed being. You can stretch, create, change, and imagine.

Have you ever felt stuck? If so, you’re not alone. We all get stuck at times. There can be many reasons why or when that happens. Often our thoughts keep us fixated on a single idea, and we have difficulty changing the script. What if you integrated the “petri dish of possibilities” into your consciousness? Would that open up your thinking?

At times having too many options creates paralysis. When numerous choices make you feel stuck, the ‘petri dish’ phrase isn’t a great choice. However, in many situations, it is a useful concept to engage.

Life is a petri dish of possibilities.
— Chris Bianco

The phrases you repeat in your mind can change the trajectory of where you’re going. Are these affirmations helpful?

  • I am moving forward.

  • I am no longer stuck.

  • I am making a choice.

  • I am taking action.

  • If my action isn’t effective, I will experiment with something else.

  • I will embrace what’s possible.

  • I see a petri dish of possibilities.

It’s fall. Change is all around. Are you thinking about what’s possible? Which ideas resonate with you? I’d love to hear your thoughts and invite you to join the conversation.